Carlos A. Perez
Selected Bibliography
Perez CA, Vietti T, Ackerman LV, Eagleton MD, Powers WE. “Tumors of the sympathetic nervous system in children. An appraisal of treatment and results.” Radiology. 1967; 88(4):750-60.
Perez CA, Ogura JH, Holtz S, Palmer LA, Barnhill FH, Powers WE. “Laryngography in the selection of patients for conservation surgery in cancer of the supraglottic larynx and pharynx.” The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine. 1968; 103(4):746-65.
Perez CA, Holtz S, Ogura JH, Dedo HH, Powers WE. “Radiation therapy of early carcinoma of the true vocal cords.” Cancer. 1968; 21(4):764-71.
Perez CA, Vietti TJ, Ackerman LV, Kulapongs P, Powers WE. “Treatment of malignant sympathetic tumors in children: Clinicopathological correlation.” Pediatrics. 1968; 41(2):452-62.
Perez CA, Vietti TJ, Ackerman LV, Powers WE. “Malignant sympathetic tumors in children.” GP. 1969; 40(5):78-86.
Perez CA, Ackerman LV, Mill WB, Ogura JH, Powers WE. “Cancer of the nasopharynx. Factors influencing prognosis.” Cancer. 1969; 24(1):1-17.
Perez CA, Mill WB, Ogura JH, Powers WE. “Carcinoma of the tonsil: Sequential comparison of four treatment modalities.” Radiology. 1970; 94(3):649-59.
Biller HF, Barnhill Jr. FR, Ogura JH, Perez CA. “Hemilaryngectomy following radiation failure for carcinoma of the vocal cords.” Laryngoscope. 1970; 80(2):249-53.
Perez CA, Mill WB, Ogura JH, Powers WE. “Irradiation of early carcinoma of the larynx. Significance of tumor extent.” Archives of Otolaryngology. 1971; 93(5):465-72.
Perez CA, Ackerman LV, Mill WB, Ogura JH, Powers WE. “Malignant tumors of the tonsil. Analysis of failures and factors affecting prognosis.” The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine. 1972; 114(1):43-58.
Perez CA. “Radiation therapy for cancer of the lung: Previous experience and definition of current issues.” Cancer Chemotherapy Reports. 1973; 4(2):III.
Perez CA, Stewart CC, Palmer Hanes LA, Powers WE. “Role of the regional lymph nodes in the cure of a murine lymphosarcoma.” Cancer. 1973; 32(3):562-72.
Perez CA, Kaiman HA, Keith J. “Treatment of Wilms’ tumor and factors affecting prognosis.” Cancer. 1973; 32(3):609-17.
Perez CA, Arneson AN, Galakatos A, Samanth HK. “Malignant tumors of the vagina.” Cancer. 1973; 31(1):36-44.
Perez CA, Ackerman LV, Silber I, Royce RK. “Radiation therapy in the treatment of localized carcinoma of the prostate. Preliminary report using 22 MeV photons.” Cancer. 1974; 34(4):1059-68.
Perez CA, Stewart CC, Wagner B. “Experimental observations on the significance of cell burden in tumor control.” Cancer. 1974; 34(1):113-21.
Perez CA, Arneson AN, Dehner LP, Galakatos A. “Radiation therapy in carcinoma of the vagina.” Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1974; 44(6):862-72.
Lee F, Perez CA. “Radiation therapy in the management of testicular tumors.” Journal of Urology. 1974; 111(2):201-4.
Spector GJ, Compagno J, Perez CA. “Glomus jugulare tumors: Effects of radiotherapy.” Cancer. 1975; 35(5):1316-21.
Perez CA, Zivnuska F, Askin F. “Prognostic significance of endometrial extension from primary carcinoma of the uterine cervix.” Cancer. 1975; 35(6):1493-504.
Perez CA, Stewart CC, Wagner B. “Regional lymphadenectomy and tumor curability. Experimental observations in a murine lymphosarcoma.” American Journal of Roentgenology. 1975; 123(3):621-30.
Perez CA, Walz BJ, Jacobson PL. “Radiation therapy in the management of carcinoma of the ovary.” National Cancer Institute Monograph. 1975; No. 42:119-25.
Stewart CC, Perez CA, Hente BW. “The effect of radiotherapy in combination with immunotherapy on tumor cure and macrophage lymphocyte infiltration.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1976; 1(Sup.1):118.
Stewart CC, Perez CA, Wagner BN. “Initiation and evolution of antitumor immunity to a transplanted murine lymphosarcoma.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1976; 1(5-6):439-45.
Perez CA, Lee FA, Ackerman LV. “Non randomized comparison of preoperative irradiation and surgery versus irradiation alone in the management of carcinoma of the tonsil.” American Journal of Roentgenology. 1976; 126(2):248-60.
Perez CA, Lee FA, Ackerman LV. “Carcinoma of the tonsillar fossa. Significance of dose of irradiation and volume treated in the control of the primary tumor and metastatic neck nodes.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1976; 1(9-10):817-27.
Perez CA, Zivnuska F, Askin F. “Prognostic significance of endometrial extension from primary carcinoma of the uterine cervix.” Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey. 1976; 31(2):160-1.
Perez CA, Tefft M, Gehan E. “Analysis of local control in the treatment of Ewing’s sarcoma by radiotherapy and multiagent systemic chemotherapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1976; 1(Sup.1):8.
Stewart CC, Perez CA. “Effect of irradiation on immune responses.” Radiology. 1976; 118(1):201-10.
Perez CA, Bauer W, Garza R, Royce RK. “Radiation therapy in the definitive treatment of localized carcinoma of the prostate.” Cancer. 1977; 40(4):1425-33.
Perez CA, Razek A, Tefft M, Nesbit M, Burgert Jr. EO, Kissane J, Vietti T, Gehan EA. “Analysis of local tumor control in Ewing’s sarcoma: Preliminary results of a cooperative intergroup study.” Cancer. 1977; 40(6):2864-73.
Perez CA, Zivnuska F, Askin F. “Mechanisms of failure in patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix extending into the endometrium.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1977; 2(7-8):651-9.
Perez CA, Korba A, Sharma S. “Dosimetric considerations in irradiation of carcinoma of the vagina.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1977; 2(7-8):639-49.
Perez CA. “Radiation therapy in the management of carcinoma of the lung.” Cancer. 1977; 39(2 Sup):901-16.
Razek AA, Perez CA, Lee FA. “Combined treatment modalities of rhabdomyosarcoma in children.” Cancer. 1977; 39(6):2415-21.
Perez CA. “The critical need for accurate treatment planning and quality control in radiation therapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1977; 2(7-8):815-8.
Perez CA, Korba A, Zivnuska F. “60Co moving strip technique in the management of carcinoma of the ovary: Analysis of tumor control and morbidity.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1978; 4(5-6):379-88.
Perez CA, Presant CA, Van Amburg III AL. “Management of superior vena cava syndrome.” Seminars in Oncology. 1978; 5(2):123-34.
Stewart CC, Valeriote FA, Perez CA. “Preliminary observations on the effect of glucan in combination with radiation and chemotherapy in four murine tumors.” Cancer Treatment Reports. 1978; 62(11):1867-72.
Perez CA, Stanley K, Mietlowski W. “Randomized studies of several dose and fractionation schedules in non-oat cell carcinoma of the lung.” Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research. 1978; Vol. 19:No.C-250.
Ragan DP, Perez CA. “Efficacy of CT-assisted two-dimensional treatment planning: Analysis of 45 patients.” American Journal of Roentgenology. 1978; 131(1):75-9.
Perez CA, Presant C, Philpott G, Ratkin G. “Phase I-II study of concurrent irradiation and multi-drug chemotherapy in advanced carcinoma of the breast: A pilot study by the Southeastern Cancer Study Group.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1979; 5(8):1329-33.
Kopecky WJ, Perez CA. “A microwave hyperthermia treatment and thermometry system.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1979; 5(11-12):2113-5.
Perez CA, Askin F, Baglan RJ. “Effects of irradiation on mixed mullerian tumors of the uterus.” Cancer. 1979; 43(4):1274-84.
Perez CA, Breaux S, Madoc-Jones H. “Correlation between radiation dose and tumor recurrence and complications in carcinoma of the uterine cervix: Stages I and IIA.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1979; 5(3):373-82.
Perez CA, Breaux S, Askin F. “Irradiation alone or in combination with surgery in Stage IB and IIA carcinoma of the uterine cervix. A nonrandomized comparison.” Cancer. 1979; 43(3):1062-72.
Bedwinek JM, Perez CA, Kramer S. “Irradiation as the primary management of Stage I and II adenocarcinoma of the breast. Analysis of the RTOG breast registry.” Cancer Clinical Trials. 1980; 3(1):11-8.
Perez CA, Walz BJ, Zivnuska FR. “Irradiation of carcinoma of the prostate localized to the pelvis: Analysis of tumor response and prognosis.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1980; 6(5):555-63.
Perez CA, Stanley K, Rubin P. “Patterns of tumor recurrence after definitive irradiation for inoperable non-oat cell carcinoma of the lung.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1980; 6(8):987-94.
Pilepich MV, Perez CA, Prasad S. “Computed tomography in definitive radiotherapy of prostatic carcinoma.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1980; 6(7):923-6.
Perez CA, Camel HM, Kao MS, Askin F. “Randomized study of preoperative radiation and surgery or irradiation alone in the treatment of Stage IB and IIA carcinoma of the uterine cervix: Preliminary analysis of failures and complications.” Cancer. 1980; 45(11):2759-68.
Pilepich MV, Perez CA, Bauer W. “Prognostic parameters in radiotherapeutic management of localized carcinoma of the prostate.” Journal of Urology. 1980; 124(4):485-7.
Perez CA, Stanley K, Rubin P. “A prospective randomized study of various irradiation doses and fractionation schedules in the treatment of inoperable non-oat-cell carcinoma of the lungs. Preliminary report by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group. Cancer.” 1980; 45(11):2744-53.
Razek A, Perez CA, Tefft M. “Intergroup Ewing’s Sarcoma Study. Local control related to radiation dose, volume, and site of primary lesion in Ewing’s sarcoma.” Cancer. 1980; 46(3):516-21.
Bedwinek JM, Perez CA, Keys DJ. “Analysis of failures after definitive irradiation for epidermoid carcinoma of the nasopharynx.” Cancer. 1980; 45(11):2725-9.
Perez CA, Tefft M, Nesbit Jr. ME. “Radiation therapy in the multimodal management of Ewing’s sarcoma of bone: Report of the Intergroup Ewing’s Sarcoma Study.” National Cancer Institute Monograph. 1981; No. 56:263-71.
Pilepich MV, Perez CA, Walz BJ, Zivnuska FR. “Complications of definitive radiotherapy for carcinoma of the prostate.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1981; 7(10):1341-8.
Nesbit Jr. ME, Perez CA, Tefft M. “Multimodal therapy for the management of primary, nonmetastatic Ewing’s sarcoma of bone: An Intergroup Study.” National Cancer Institute Monograph. 1981; No. 56:255-62.
Prasad SC, Pilepich MV, Perez CA. “Contribution of CT to quantitative radiation therapy planning.” American Journal of Roentgenology. 1981; 136(1):123-8.
Perez CA, Krauss S, Bartolucci AA. “Thoracic and elective brain irradiation with concomitant or delayed multiagent chemotherapy in the treatment of localized small cell carcinoma of the lung: A randomized prospective study by the Southeastern Cancer Study Group.” Cancer. 1981; 47(10):2407-13.
Perez CA, Camel HM, Askin F, Breaux S. “Endometrial extension of carcinoma of the uterine cervix: A prognostic factor that may modify staging.” Cancer. 1981; 48(1):170-80.
Lee JY, Perez CA. “A radiation oncology oriented anatomico-pathological classification system.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1981; 7(6):813-5.
Perez CA, Tefft M, Nesbit M. “The role of radiation therapy in the management of non-metastatic Ewing’s sarcoma of bone. Report of the Intergroup Ewing’s Sarcoma Study.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1981; 7(2):141-9.
Perez CA, Kopecky W, Baglan R. “Local microwave hyperthermia in cancer therapy. Preliminary report.” Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal. 1981; 29(1):16-23.
Perez CA, Kopecky W, Rao DV. “Local microwave hyperthermia and irradiation in cancer therapy: Preliminary observations and directions for future clinical trials.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1981; 7(6):765-72.
Perez CA. “Is postoperative irradiation indicated in carcinoma of the lung?” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1982; 8(11):2019-22.
Rao DV, Bedwinek J, Perez C. “Prognostic indicators in Stage III and localized Stage IV breast cancer.” Cancer. 1982; 50(10):2037-43.
Perez CA, Purdy JA, Breaux SR. “Carcinoma of the tonsillar fossa. A nonrandomized comparison of preoperative radiation and surgery or irradiation alone: Long-term results.” Cancer. 1982; 50(11):2314-22.
Lee JY, Perez CA, Ettinger N, Fineberg BB. “The risk of second primaries subsequent to irradiation for cervix cancer.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1982; 8(2):207-11.
Pilepich MV, Prasad SC, Perez CA. “Computed tomography in definitive radiotherapy of prostatic carcinoma, Part 2: Definition of target volume.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1982; 8(2):235-9.
Bedwinek J, Rao DV, Perez C. “Stage III and localized Stage IV breast cancer: Irradiation alone vs irradiation plus surgery.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1982; 8(1):31-6.
Perez CA, Camel HM. “Long-term follow-up in radiation therapy of carcinoma of the vagina.” Cancer. 1982; 49(6):1308-15.
Perez CA, Stanley K, Grundy G. “Impact of irradiation technique and tumor extent in tumor control and survival of patients with unresectable non-oat cell carcinoma of the lung. Report by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.” Cancer. 1982; 50(6):1091-9.
Simpson JR, Perez CA, Phillips TL. “Large fraction radiotherapy plus misonidazole for treatment of advanced lung cancer: Report of a Phase I/II trial.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1982; 8(2):303-8.
Perez CA, Breaux S, Madoc Jones H. “Radiation therapy alone in the treatment of carcinoma of uterine cervix. I. Analysis of tumor recurrence.” Cancer. 1983; 51(8):1393-402.
Perez CA, Nussbaum G, Emami B, VonGerichten D. “Clinical results of irradiation combined with local hyperthermia.” Cancer. 1983; 52(9):1597-603.
Mittal B, Rao DV, Marks JE, Perez CA. “Role of radiation in the management of early vocal cord carcinoma.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1983; 9(7):997-1002.
Emami B, Marks JE, Perez CA. “Interstitial thermoradiotherapy in the treatment of recurrent/residual malignant tumors.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1984; 7(6):699-704.
Emami B, Perez CA. “Hyperthermia in treatment of cancer.” Applied Radiology. 1984; 13(6):150-60.
Perez CA, Einhorn L, Oldham RK. “Randomized trial of radiotherapy to the thorax in limited small-cell carcinoma of the lung treated with multiagent chemotherapy and elective brain irradiation: A preliminary report.” Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1984; 2(11):1200-8.
Perez CA, Emami B, Nussbaum GH. “Clinical experience with external local hyperthermia in treatment of superficial malignant tumors. Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology.” 1984; 18:83-102.
Perez CA, Breaux S, Bedwinek JM. “Radiation therapy alone in the treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix. II. Analysis of complications.” Cancer. 1984; 54(2):235-46.
Stokes SH, Thomas PRM, Perez CA, Vietti TJ. “Stage IV-S neuroblastoma. Results with definitive therapy.” Cancer. 1984; 53(10):2083-6.
Thomas PRM, Perez CA, Neff JR. “The management of Ewing’s sarcoma: Role of radiotherapy in local tumor control.” Cancer Treatment Reports. 1984; 68(5):703-10.
Perez CA, Emami B, Nussbaum GH. “Regional (deep) heating, clinical studies in progress.” Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology. 1984; 18:108-25.
Perez CA. “Clinical hyperthermia: Mirage or reality?” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1984; 10(6):935-7.
Breaux S, Perez CA. “Pitfalls in the use of death certificates for assessing cause of death: A study of tonsil carcinoma patients.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1984; 7(4):375-80.
Perez CA, Sapareto SA. “Thermal dose expression in clinical hyperthermia and correlation with tumor response/control.” Cancer Research. 1984; 44(10 Suppl.):4818s-25s.
Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Camel HM. “Stage II carcinoma of the endometrium: Results of therapy and prognostic factors.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1985; 11(11):1915-23.
Jacobs AJ, Perez CA, Camel HM, Kao MS. “Complications in patients receiving both irradiation and radical hysterectomy for carcinoma of the uterine cervix.” Gynecologic Oncology. 1985; 22(3):273-80.
Perez CA, Kao M-S. “Radiation therapy alone or combined with surgery in the treatment of barrel-shaped carcinoma of the uterine cervix (stages IB, IIA, IIB).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1985; 11(11):1903-9.
Perez CA. “Non-small cell carcinoma of the lung: Dose-time parameters.” Cancer Treatment Symposia.” 1985; 2:131-42.
Perez CA, Bauer M, Edelstein S. “Impact of tumor control on survival in carcinoma of the lung treated with irradiation.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1986; 12(4):539-47.
Perez CA, Kuske RR, Emami B, Fineberg B. “Irradiation alone or combined with hyperthermia in the treatment of recurrent carcinoma of the breast in the chest wall: A nonrandomized comparison.” International Journal of Hyperthermia. 1986; 2(2):179-87.
Perez CA, Pilepich MV, Zivnuska F. “Tumor control in definitive irradiation of localized carcinoma of the prostate.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1986; 12(4):523-31.
Grigsby PW, Perez CA. “The effects of external beam radiotherapy on endocrine function in patients with carcinoma of the prostate.” Journal of Urology. 1986; 135(4):726-7.
Jacobs AJ, Faris C, Perez CA. “Short-term persistence of carcinoma of the uterine cervix after radiation. An indicator of long-term prognosis.” Cancer. 1986; 57(5):944-50.
Brady LW, Perez CA, Bedwinek JM. “Failure patterns in gynecologic cancer.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1986; 12(4):549-57.
Perez CA, Camel HM, Kuske RR. “Radiation therapy alone in the treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix: A 20-year experience.” Gynecologic Oncology. 1986; 23(2):127-40.
McMurray EH, Jacobs AJ, Perez CA. “Carcinoma of the fallopian tube. Management and sites of failure.” Cancer. 1986; 58(9):2070-5.
Konefal JB, Pilepich MV, Spector GJ, Perez CA. “Radiation therapy in the treatment of chemodectomas.” Laryngoscope. 1987; 97(11):1331-5.
Pilepich MV, Johnson RJ, Perez CA, Krall JM, Russ HH, Zinninger M, Sause WT, Hanks GE, Martz KL. “Prognostic significance of nodal involvement in locally advanced (Stage C) carcinoma of prostate – RTOG experience.” Urology. 1987; 30(6):535-40.
Johnson DH, Einhorn LH, Birch R, Vollmer R, Perez C, Krauss S, Omura G, Greco FA. “A randomized comparison of high-dose versus conventional-dose cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and vincristine for extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer: A Phase III trial of the Southeastern Cancer Study Group.” Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1987; 5(11):1731-8.
Pilepich MV, Myerson RJ, Emami BN, Perez CA, Leybovich L, von Gerichten D. “Regional hyperthermia: A feasibility analysis.” International Journal of Hyperthermia. 1987; 3(4):347-51.
Perez CA, Fields JN. “Role of radiation therapy for locally advanced and inflammatory carcinoma of the breast.” Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.). 1987; 1(1):81-94.
Emami B, Perez CA, Leybovich L. “Interstitial thermoradiotherapy in treatment of malignant tumours.” International Journal of Hyperthermia. 1987; 3(2):107-18.
Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Kuske RR. “Results of therapy, analysis of failures, and prognostic factors for clinical and pathologic stage III adenocarcinoma of the endometrium.” Gynecologic Oncology. 1987; 27(1):44-57.
Perez CA, Camel HM, Kao MS, Hederman MA. “Randomized study of preoperative radiation and surgery or irradiation alone in the treatment of stage IB and IIA carcinoma of the uterine cervix: Final report.” Gynecologic Oncology. 1987; 27(2):129-40.
Perez CA, Pajak TF, Rubin P. “Long-term observations of the patterns of failure in patients with unresectable non-oat cell carcinoma of the lung treated with definitive radiotherapy. Report by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.” Cancer. 1987; 59(11):1874-81.
Emami B, Perez CA. “Combination of surgery, irradiation, and hyperthermia in treatment of recurrences of malignant tumors.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1987; 13(4):611-3.
Grigsby PW, Kuske RR, Perez CA. “Medically inoperable Stage I adenocarcinoma of the endometrium treated with radiotherapy alone.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1987; 13(4):483-8.
Armstrong BA, Perez CA, Simpson JR, Hederman MA. “Role of irradiation in the management of superior vena cava syndrome.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1987; 13(4):531-9.
Perez CA, Bauer M, Emami BN, Byhardt R, Brady LW, Doggett RLS, Gardner P, Zinninger M. “Thoracic irradiation with or without levamisole (NSC #177023) in unresectable non-small cell carcinoma of the lung: A Phase III randomized trial of the RTOG.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 15(6):1337-46.
Perez CA, Camel HM, Galakatos AE, Grigsby PW, Kuske RR, Buchsbaum G, Hederman MA. “Definitive irradiation in carcinoma of the vagina: Long-term evaluation of results.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 15(6):1283-90.
Asbell SO, Krall JM, Pilepich MV, Baerwald H, Sause WT, Hanks GE, Perez CA. “Elective pelvic irradiation in stage A2, B carcinoma of the prostate: Analysis of RTOG 77-06.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 15(6):1307-16.
Perez CA, Farman AG. “Diagnostic radiology of maxillary sinus defects.” Oral Surgery Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology. 1988; 66(4):507-12.
Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Kuske RR, Camel HM, Kao MS, Galakatos AE, Hederman MA. “Adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix: Lack of evidence for a poor prognosis.” Radiotherapy and Oncology. 1988; 12(4):289-96.
Brady L, Kramer S, Wasserman TH, Keiser M, Davis L, Pajak TF, Cox J, Rubin P, Griffin T, Perez C, Phillips T, Seydel HG. “The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group: An outline of clinical research activities.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 14(Suppl. 1):S3-S10.
Emami B, Perez CA, Herskovich A, Hederman MA. “Phase I/II study of treatment of locally advanced (T3T4) non-oat cell lung cancer with high dose radiotherapy (rapid fractionation): Radiation Therapy Oncology Group study.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 15(4):1021-5.
Herskovic A, Bauer M, Seydel HG, Yesner R, Doggett RLS, Perez CA, Durbin LM, Zinninger M. “Post-operative thoracic irradiation with or without levamisole in non-small cell lung cancer: Results of a Radiation Therapy Oncology Group study.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 14(1):37-42.
Perez CA, Kuske RR, Camel HM, Galakatos AE, Hederman MA, Kao M-S, Walz BJ. “Analysis of pelvic tumor control and impact on survival in carcinoma of the uterine cervix treated with radiation therapy alone.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 14(4):613-21.
Pao WM, Perez CA, Kuske RR, Sommers GM, Camel HM, Galakatos AE. “Radiation therapy and conservation surgery for primary and recurrent carcinoma of the vulva: Report of 40 patients and a review of the literature.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 14(6):1123-32.
Kuske RR, Perez CA, Jacobs AJ, Slessinger ED, Hederman MA, Walz BJ, Kao MS, Camel HM. “Mini-colpostats in the treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 14(5):899-906.
Pilepich MV, Myerson RJ, Emami BN, Perez CA, Straube W, Von Gerichten D. “Regional hyperthermia – Assessment of tolerance to treatment.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 14(2):347-52.
Scott R, Gillespie B, Perez CA, Hornback NB, Johnson R, Emami B, Bauer M, Pakuris E. “Hyperthermia in combination with definitive radiation therapy: Results of a Phase I/II RTOG study.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1988; 15(3):711-6.
Perez CA, Pilepich MV, Garcia D, Simpson JR, Zivnuska F, Hederman MA. “Definitive radiation therapy in carcinoma of the prostate localized to the pelvis: Experience at the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology.” NCI Monographs. 1988(7):85-94.
Birch R, Omura GA, Greco FA, Perez CA. “Patterns of failure in combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy for limited small cell lung cancer: Southeastern Cancer Study Group experience.” NCI Monographs. 1988(6):265-70.
Emami B, Perez CA, Konefal J, Pilepich MV, Leybovich L, Straube W, Von Gerichten D, Hederman MA. “Thermoradiotherapy of malignant melanoma.” International Journal of Hyperthermia. 1988; 4(4):373-81.
Kuske RR, Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Lovett RD, Jacobs AJ, Galakatos AE, Camel HM, Kao MS. “Phase I/II study of definitive radiotherapy and chemotherapy (cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil) for advanced or recurrent gynecologic malignancies. Preliminary report.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1989; 12(6):467-73.
Cardenes H, Perez CA. “Hyperthermia in cancer treatment. Part I: Biological, physical basis and instruments.” Oncologia. 1989; 12(10):476-86.
Spanos Jr. W, Guse C, Perez C, Grigsby P, Doggett RLS, Poulter C. “Phase II study of multiple daily fractionations in the palliation of advanced pelvic malignancies: Preliminary report of RTOG 8502.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1989; 17(3):659-61.
Farman AG, Perez C, Jacobson A, Kelly MS. “Evaluation of aluminum-yttrium filtration for intraoral radiography.” Oral Surgery Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology. 1989; 67(2):224-6.
Wallner PE, Lustig RA, Pajak TF, Robinson G, Davis LW, Perez CA, Seydel HG, Marcial VA, Laramore GE. “Impact of initial quality control review on study outcome in lung and head/neck cancer studies. Review of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group experience.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1989; 17(4):893-900.
Fields JN, Perez CA, Kuske RR, Fineberg BB, Bartlett N. “Inflammatory carcinoma of the breast: Treatment results on 107 patients.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1989; 17(2):249-55.
Kuten A, Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Fineberg B, Garcia DM, Simpson JR. “Results of radiotherapy in recurrent endometrial carcinoma: A retrospective analysis of 51 patients.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1989; 17(1):29-34.
Shapiro SJ, Perez CA. “Management of sequelae of chest irradiation.” Missouri Medicine. 1989; 86(11):746-50.
Pilepich MV, Jones KG, Emami BN, Perez CA, Fields JN, Myerson RJ. “Interaction of bleomycin and hyperthermia – Results of a clinical pilot study.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1989; 16(1):211-3.
Asbell SO, Martz KL, Pilepich MV, Baerwald HH, Sause WT, Doggett RL, Perez CA. “Impact of surgical staging in evaluating the radiotherapeutic outcome in RTOG Phase III study for A2 and B prostate carcinoma.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1989; 17(5):945-51.
Perez CA, Emami B. “Clinical trials with local (external and interstitial) irradiation and hyperthermia: Current and future perspectives.” Radiologic Clinics of North America. 1989; 27(3):525,542+viii.
Kovalic JJ, Perez CA. “Radiation therapy following keloidectomy: A 20-year experience.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1989; 17(1):77-80.
Emami B, Myerson RJ, Pilepich MV, Perez CA, Sathiaseelan V, Leybovich L, Straube W, Von Gerichten D. “Regional hyperthermia in the treatment of recurrent deep-seated tumors: Preliminary analysis of Phase I trial.” Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. 1989; 165(10):709-11.
Sommers GM, Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Camel HM, Kao MS, Galakatos AE, Lockett MA. “Outcome of recurrent cervical carcinoma following definitive irradiation.” Gynecologic Oncology. 1989; 35(2):150-5.
Myerson RJ, Emami BN, Pilepich MV, Fields JN, Perez CA, Von Gerichten D, Straube W, Nussbaum G, Leybovich L, Sathiaseelan V. “Physical predictors of adequate hyperthermia with the annular phased array.” International Journal of Hyperthermia. 1989; 5(6):749-55.
Simpson JR, Bauer M, Perez CA, Wasserman TH, Emami B, Doggett RLS, Byhardt RW, Phillips TL, Mowry PA. “Radiation therapy alone or combined with misonidazole in the treatment of locally advanced non-oat cell lung cancer: Report of an RTOG prospective randomized trial.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1989; 16(6):1483-91.
Perez CA, Gillespie B, Pajak T, Hornback NB, Emami B, Rubin P. “Quality assurance problems in clinical hyperthermia and their impact on therapeutic outcome: A report by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1989; 16(3):551-8.
Cox JD, Azarnia N, Byhardt RW, Perez CA, Fu K, Spunberg JJ, Sause WT. “Altered fractionation for non-small cell carcinoma of the lung. Rationale for the prospective trials of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.” Chest. 1989; 96(1 Suppl.):68S-9S.
Perez CA, Garcia D, Simpson JR, Zivnuska F, Lockett MA. “Factors influencing outcome of definitive radiotherapy for localized carcinoma of the prostate.” Radiotherapy and Oncology. 1989; 16(1):1-21.
Fields JN, Kuske RR, Perez CA, Fineberg BB, Bartlett N. “Prognostic factors in inflammatory breast cancer. Univariate and multivariate analysis.” Cancer. 1989; 63(6):1225-32.
Grigsby P, Perez C. “The costs of low dose rate remote afterloading compared to manual afterloading brachytherapy.” Administrative Radiology: AR. 1990; 9(12):61, 63, 64, 66-69.
Keisch ME, Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Bauer WC, Catalona W. “Preliminary report on 10 patients treated with radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy for isolated elevation of serum PSA levels.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1990; 19(6):1503-6.
Fields JN, Halverson KJ, Devineni VR, Simpson JR, Perez CA. “Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: Efficacy of radiation therapy.” Radiology. 1990; 176(1):263-5.
Lovett RD, Perez CA, Shapiro SJ, Garcia DM. “External irradiation of epithelial skin cancer.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1990; 19(2):235-42.
Myerson RJ, Perez CA, Emami B, Straube W, Kuske RR, Leybovich L, Von Gerichten D. “Tumor control in long-term survivors following superficial hyperthermia.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1990; 18(5):1123-9.
Marcial-Vega VA, Cardenes H, Perez CA, Devineni VR, Simpson JR, Fredrickson JM, Sessions DG, Spector GG, Thawley SE. “Cervical metastases from unknown primaries: Radiotherapeutic management and appearance of subsequent primaries.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1990; 19(4):919-28.
Lai PP, Perez CA, Shapiro SJ, Lockett MA. “Carcinoma of the prostate stage B and C: Lack of influence of duration of radiotherapy on tumor control and treatment morbidity.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1990; 19(3):561-8.
Pilepich MV, John MJ, Krall JM, McGowan D, Hwang YS, Perez CA. “Phase II Radiation Therapy Oncology Group study of hormonal cytoreduction with flutamide and zoladex in locally advanced carcinoma of the prostate treated with definitive radiotherapy.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1990; 13(6):461-4.
Johnson DH, Einhorn LH, Bartolucci A, Birch R, Omura G, Perez CA, Greco FA. “Thoracic radiotherapy does not prolong survival in patients with locally advanced, unresectable non-small cell lung cancer.” Annals of Internal Medicine. 1990; 113(1):33-8.
Loehrer Sr. PJ, Perez CA, Roth LM, Greco FA, Livingston RB, Einhorn LH. “Chemotherapy for advanced thymoma: Preliminary results of an Intergroup Study.” Annals of Internal Medicine. 1990; 113(7):520-4.
Halverson KJ, Perez CA, Kuske RR, Garcia DM, Simpson JR, Fineberg B. “Isolated local-regional recurrence of breast cancer following mastectomy: Radiotherapeutic management.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1990; 19(4):851-8.
Perez CA, Slessinger E, Grigsby PW. “Design of an afterloading vaginal applicator (MIRALVA).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1990; 18(6):1503-8.
Cardenes H, Perez CA, Emami B. “Hyperthermia role in cancer treatment. Part II.” Oncologia. 1990; 13(1):13, 14+17.
Yesner R, Seydel GH, Asbell SO, Cox JD, Bauer M, Shin KH, Byhardt R, Perez C. “Biopsies of non-small cell lung cancer: Central review in cooperative studies of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.” Modern Pathology: an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc. 1991; 4(4):432-5.
Kovalic JJ, Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Lockett MA. “The effect of volume of disease in patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 21(4):905-10.
Grigsby PW, Perez CA. “Radiotherapy alone for medically inoperable carcinoma of the cervix: Stage IA and carcinoma in situ.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 21(2):375-8.
Wasserman TH, Phillips TL, Hanks GE, Order SE, Perez CA, Pajak TF, Pakuris E, Brady LW, Leibel SA, Cox JD. “The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group: An update of clinical research activities.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 20(6):1383-91.
Lawton CA, Won M, Pilepich MV, Asbell SO, Shipley WU, Hanks GE, Cox JD, Perez CA, Sause WT, Doggett SRL, Rubin P. “Long-term treatment sequelae following external beam irradiation for adenocarcinoma of the prostate: Analysis of RTOG studies 7506 and 7706.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 21(4):935-9.
Perez CA. “Management of vulvar cancer.” Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology. 1991; 25:183,186; discussion 207.
Perez CA, Lovett RD, Gerber R. “Electron beam and x-rays in the treatment of epithelial skin cancer: Dosimetric considerations and clinical results.” Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology. 1991; 25:90-106.
Perez CA, Fox S, Lockett MA, Grigsby PW, Camel HM, Galakatos A, Kao M-S, Williamson J. “Impact of dose in outcome of irradiation alone in carcinoma of the uterine cervix: Analysis of two different methods.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 21(4):885-98.
Lai PP, Pilepich MV, Krall JM, Asbell SO, Hanks GE, Perez CA, Rubin P, Sause WT, Cox JD. “The effect of overall treatment time on the outcome of definitive radiotherapy for localized prostate carcinoma: The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 75-06 and 77-06 experience.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 21(4):925-33.
Kovalic JJ, Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Lockett MA. “Cervical stump carcinoma.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 20(5):933-8.
Graham MV, Perez CA, Kuske RR, Garcia DM, Fineberg B. “Locally advanced (noninflammatory) carcinoma of the breast: Results and comparison of various treatment modalities.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 21(2):311-8.
Kuske RR, Schuster R, Klein E, Young L, Perez CA, Fineberg B. “Radiotherapy and breast reconstruction: Clinical results and dosimetry.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 21(2):339-46.
Hanks GE, Asbell S, Krall JM, Perez CA, Doggett S, Rubin P, Sause W, Pilepich MV. “Outcome for lymph node dissection negative T-1b, T-2 (A-2,B) prostate cancer treated with external beam radiation therapy in RTOG 77-06.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 21(4):1099-103.
Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Kuten A, Simpson JR, Garcia DM, Camel HM, Kao M-S, Galakatos AE. “Clinical stage I endometrial cancer: Results of adjuvant irradiation and patterns of failure.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 21(2):379-85.
Perez CA, Pajak T, Emami B, Hornback NB, Tupchong L, Rubin P. “Randomized Phase III study comparing irradiation and hyperthermia with irradiation alone in superficial measurable tumors: Final report by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1991; 14(2):133-41.
Emami B, Myerson RJ, Scott C, Gibbs F, Lee C, Perez CA. “Phase I/II study, combination of radiotherapy and hyperthermia in patients with deep-seated malignant tumors: Report of a pilot study by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 20(1):73-9.
Perez CA, Carmichael T, Devineni VR, Simpson JR, Frederickson J, Sessions D, Spector G, Fineberg B. “Carcinoma of the tonsillar fossa: A nonrandomized comparison of irradiation alone or combined with surgery: Long-term results.” Head and Neck. 1991; 13(4):282-90.
Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Eichling J, Purdy J, Slessinger E. “Reduction in radiation exposure to nursing personnel with the use of remote afterloading brachytherapy devices.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 20(3):627-9.
Perez CA. “Management of incompletely excised carcinoma of the skin.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 20(4):903-4.
Cox JD, Azarnia N, Byhardt RW, Shin KH, Emami B, Perez CA. “N2 (clinical) non-small cell carcinoma of the lung: Prospective trials of radiation therapy with total doses 60 Gy by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1991; 20(1):7-12.
Reinus WR, Gehan EA, Gilula LA, Nesbit M, Vietti TJ, Cangir A, Kissane J, Pritchard D, Makley JT, Burgert EO, Neff J, Perez CA, Thomas P, Tefft M, Evans R, Askin F. “Plain radiographic predictors of survival in treated Ewing’s sarcoma.” Skeletal Radiology. 1992; 21(5):287-91.
Keisch M, Fox S, Grigsby P, Perez CA. “Design and implementation of a microcomputer-based tutorial in radiation oncology.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 23(4):869-72.
Lai PP, Perez CA, Lockett MA. “Prognostic significance of pelvic recurrence and distant metastasis in prostate carcinoma following definitive radiotherapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 24(3):423-30.
Fagundes H, Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Lockett MA. “Distant metastases after irradiation alone in carcinoma of the uterine cervix.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 24(2):197-204.
Grigsby PW, Williamson JF, Perez CA. “Source configuration and dose rates for the Selectron afterloading equipment for gynecologic applicators.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 24(2):321-7.
Perez CA, Devineni VR, Marcial-Vega V, Marks JE, Simpson JR, Kucik N. “Carcinoma of the nasopharynx: Factors affecting prognosis.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 23(2):271-80.
Myerson RJ, Emami BN, Perez CA, Straube W, Leybovich L, Von Gerichten D. “Equilibrium temperature distributions in uniform phantoms for superficial microwave applicators: Implications for temperature-based standards of applicator adequacy.” International Journal of Hyperthermia. 1992; 8(1):11-21.
Slessinger ED, Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Williamson JF. “Dosimetry and dose specification for a new gynecological brachytherapy applicator.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 22(5):1117-24.
Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Kuten A, Simpson JR, Garcia DM, Camel HM, Kao M-S, Galakatos AE. “Clinical stage I endometrial cancer: Prognostic factors for local control and distant metastasis and implications of the new FIGO surgical staging system.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 22(5):905-11.
Halverson KJ, Garcia DM, Taylor ME, Perez CA. “Selected topics in breast conservation therapy.” Missouri Medicine. 1992; 89(10):731-9.
Roach III M, Krall J, Keller JW, Perez CA, Sause WT, Doggett RLS, Rotman M, Russ H, Pilepich MV, Asbell SO, Shipley W. “The prognostic significance of race and survival from prostate cancer based on patients irradiated on Radiation Therapy Oncology Group protocols (1976-1985).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 24(3):441-9.
Emami B, Myerson RJ, Cardenes H, Paris KG, Perez CA, Straube W, Leybovich L, Mildenberger M, Kuske RR, Devineni VR, Kucik N. “Combined hyperthermia and irradiation in the treatment of superficial tumors: Results of a prospective randomized trial of hyperthermia fractionation (1/wk vs 2/wk).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 23(7):145-52.
Kuten A, Roval HD, Griffeth LK, Mintum MA, Perez CA, Wasserman TH, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Positron emission tomography in the study of acute radiation effects on renal blood flow in dogs.” International Urology and Nephrology. 1992; 24(5):527-9.
Halverson KJ, Perez CA, Kuske RR, Garcia DM, Simpson JR, Fineberg B. “Survival following locoregional recurrence of breast cancer: Univariate and multivariate analysis.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 23(2):285-91.
Fagundes HM, Lai PP, Dehner LP, Perez CA, Garcia DM, Emami BN, Simpson JR, Kraybill WG, Kucik NA. “Postoperative radiotherapy for malignant fibrous histiocytoma.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 23(3):615-9.
Halverson KJ, Perez CA, Kuske RR, Garcia DM, Simpson JR, Fineberg B. “Locoregional recurrence of breast cancer: A retrospective comparison of irradiation alone versus irradiation and systemic therapy.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1992; 15(2):93-101.
Hanks GE, Krall JM, Pilepich MV, Asbell SO, Perez CA, Rubin P, Sause WT, Doggett RLS. “Comparison of pathologic and clinical evaluation of lymph nodes in prostate cancer: Implications of RTOG data for patient management and trial design and stratification.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1992; 23(2):293-8.
Halverson KJ, Taylor ME, Perez CA, Myerson R, Philpott G, Simpson JR, Tucker G, Rush C. “Survival following breast-conserving surgery and irradiation or modified radical mastectomy in patients with invasive breast cancers with a maximum diameter of 1 cm.” Missouri Medicine. 1993; 90(12):759-63.
Perez CA, Scott C, Emami B, Hornback NB, Sneed PK, Asbell SO, Janjan NA. “Evaluation of 45°C hyperthermia and irradiation: II. A Phase I clinical trial in humans by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1993; 16(6):477-81.
Perez CA, Garcia DM, Kuske RR, Halverson KJ, Coke C, McBurney L, Myerson R, Philpott G, Levy J, Simpson JR. “Organ preservation therapy in stage T1 and T2 carcinoma of the breast.” Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology. 1993; 27:62-88.
Perez CA, Altchek ED, Stern RS, Preston DS. “Nonmelanoma cancers of the skin [3].” New England Journal of Medicine. 1993; 328(16):1199-200.
Perez CA, Lee HK, Georgiou A, Logsdon MD, Lai PP, Lockett MA. “Technical and tumor-related factors affecting outcome of definitive irradiation for localized carcinoma of the prostate.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 26(4):581-91.
Sause WT, Pajak T, Cox JD, Asbell SO, Perez C, Urtasun RC, Roach III M. “A Radiation Therapy Oncology Group experience: Chemotherapy/radiation therapy of lung cancer.” Lung Cancer. 1993; 9(Suppl. 2):S61-8.
Perez CA, Eisbruch A. “Role of postradical prostatectomy irradiation in carcinoma of the prostate.” Seminars in Radiation Oncology. 1993; 3(3):198-209.
Michalski JM, Wong JW, Gerber RL, Yan D, Cheng A, Graham MV, Renna MA, Sawyer PJ, Perez CA. “The use of on-line image verification to estimate the variation in radiation therapy dose delivery.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 27(3):707-16.
Johnson DH, Bass D, Einhorn LH, Crawford J, Perez CA, Bartolucci A, Omura GA, Greco FA. “Combination chemotherapy with or without thoracic radiotherapy in limited-stage small-cell lung cancer: A randomized trial of the Southeastern Cancer Study Group.” Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1993; 11(7):1223-9.
Grigsby PW, Georgiou A, Williamson JF, Perez CA. “Anatomic variation of gynecologic brachytherapy prescription points.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 27(3):725-9.
Spanos Jr. WJ, Perez CA, Marcus S, Poulter CA, Doggett RLS, Steinfeld AD, Grigsby PW. “Effect of rest interval on tumor and normal tissue response – A report of Phase III study of accelerated split course palliative radiation for advanced pelvic malignancies (RTOG-8502).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 25(3):399-403.
Perez CA. “Radiation therapy in the management of cancer of the cervix.” Oncology. 1993; 7(2):89-96.
Halverson KJ, Perez CA, Taylor ME, Myerson R, Philpott G, Simpson JR, Tucker G, Rush C. “Age as a prognostic factor for breast and regional nodal recurrence following breast conserving surgery and irradiation in Stage I and II breast cancer.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 27(5):1045-50.
Halverson KJ, Taylor ME, Perez CA, Garcia DM, Myerson R, Philpott G, Levy J, Simpson JR, Tucker G, Rush C. “Regional nodal management and patterns of failure following conservative surgery and radiation therapy for Stage I and II breast cancer.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 26(4):593-9.
Perez CA, Cosmatos D, Garcia DM, Eisbruch A, Poulter CA. “Irradiation in relapsing carcinoma of the prostate.” Cancer. 1993; 71(3 Suppl.):1110-22.
Eisbruch A, Williamson JF, Dickson DR, Grigsby PW, Perez CA. “Estimation of tissue volume irradiated by intracavitary implants.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 25(4):733-44.
Georgiou A, Grigsby PW, Perez CA. “Radiation induced lumbosacral plexopathy in gynecologic tumors: Clinical findings and dosimetric analysis.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 26(3):479-82.
Kuske RR, Bean JM, Garcia DM, Perez CA, Andriole D, Philpott G, Fineberg B. “Breast conservation therapy for intraductal carcinoma of the breast.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 26(3):391-6.
Perez CA. “Quest for excellence: The ultimate goal of the radiation oncologist: Astro Gold Medal address, 1992.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 26(4):567-80.
Perez CA. “Radiation therapy in the management of cancer of the cervix.” Oncology. 1993; 7(3):61-9.
Perez CA, Kirchmann E, Lockett MA. “Definitive external irradiation in stages A (T1) and B (T2) carcinoma of the prostate.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1993; 16(5):377-88.
Perez CA, Patterson JH, Emami B. “Evaluation of 45°C hyperthermia and irradiation: I. Studies in a murine rhabdomyosarcoma model.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1993; 16(6):469-76.
Perez CA, Kobeissi B, Smith BD, Fox S, Grigsby PW, Purdy JA, Procter HD, Wasserman TH. “Cost accounting in radiation oncology: A computer-based model for reimbursement.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1993; 25(5):895-906.
Cox JD, Sause WT, Byhardt RW, Komaki R, Perez CA, Pajak TF. “Dose intensity of radiation therapy in non-small cell carcinoma of the lung: A review of RTOG data and strategies.” Lung Cancer. 1994; 10(Suppl. 1):S161-6.
Perez CA, Fields JN, Fracasso PM, Philpott G, Soares Jr. RL, Taylor ME, Lockett MA, Rush C. “Management of locally advanced carcinoma of the breast: II. Inflammatory carcinoma.” Cancer. 1994; 74(1 Suppl.):466-76.
Grigsby PW, Vest ML, Perez CA. “Recurrent carcinoma of the cervix exclusively in the paraaortic nodes following radiation therapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1994; 28(2):451-5.
Eisbruch A, Perez CA, Roessler EH, Lockett MA. “Adjuvant irradiation after prostatectomy for carcinoma of the prostate with positive surgical margins.” Cancer. 1994; 73(2):384-7.
Hanks GE, Perez CA, Kozar M, Asbell SO, Pilepich MV, Pajak TF. “PSA confirmation of cure at 10 years of T(1B), T2, N0, M0 prostate cancer patients treated in RTOG protocol 7706 with external beam irradiation.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1994; 30(2):289-92.
Spanos Jr. WJ, Clery M, Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Doggett RLS, Poulter CA, Steinfeld AD. “Late effect of multiple daily fraction palliation schedule for advanced pelvic malignancies (RTOG 8502).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1994; 29(5):961-7.
Wilkinson JM, Williamson JF, Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Eisbruch A. “Irradiated volume of intracavitary treatments [5].” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1994; 29(1):217-8.
Lai PP, Bernstein MJ, Kim H, Perez CA, Wasserman TH, Kucik NA. “Radiation therapy for Stage I and IIA testicular seminoma.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1994; 28(2):373-9.
Perez CA, Lee HK, Georgiou A, Lockett MA. “Technical factors affecting morbidity in definitive irradiation for localized carcinoma of the prostate.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1994; 28(4):811-9.
Valicenti RK, Michalski JM, Bosch WR, Gerber R, Graham MV, Cheng A, Purdy JA, Perez CA. “Is weekly port filming adequate for verifying patient position in modern radiation therapy?” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1994; 30(2):431-8.
Perez CA, Graham ML, Taylor ME, Levy JF, Mortimer JE, Philpott GW, Kucik NA. “Management of locally advanced carcinoma of the breast: I. Noninflammatory.” Cancer. 1994; 74(1 Suppl.):453-65.
Halverson KJ, Taylor ME, Perez CA, Garcia DM, Myerson R, Philpott G, Levy J, Simpson JR, Tucker G, Rush C. “Management of the axilla in patients with breast cancers one centimeter or smaller.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1994; 17(6):461-6.
Perez CA, Michalski J, Lockett MA. “Radiation therapy in the treatment of localized prostate cancer: An alternative to an emerging consensus.” Missouri Medicine. 1995; 92(11):696-704.
Perez CA. “Three-dimensional treatment planning and conformal radiation therapy: Preliminary evaluation.” Radiotherapy and Oncology. 1995; 36(1):32-43.
Perez CA. “Irradiation alone or combined with surgery in Stage IB, IIA, and IIB carcinoma of uterine cervix: Update of a nonrandomized comparison.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1995; 31(4):703-16.
Chao CKS, Lai PP, Michalski JM, Perez CA. “Secondary malignancy among seminoma patients treated with adjuvant radiation therapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1995; 33(4):831-5.
Grigsby PW, Roberts HL, Perez CA. “Femoral neck fracture following groin irradiation.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1995; 32(1):63-7.
Perez CA. “Carcinoma of the prostate: A model for management under impending health care system reform: 1994 RSNA Annual Oration in Radiation Oncology.” Radiology. 1995; 196(2):309-22.
Chao CKS, Gerber RM, Perez CA. “Reirradiation of recurrent skin cancer of the face: A successful salvage modality.” Cancer. 1995; 75(9):2351-5.
Perez CA. “Changing patterns of care in carcinoma of the uterine cervix: Need for cost-benefit studies.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1995; 32(5):1535-7.
Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Castro-Vita H, Lockett MA. “Carcinoma of the uterine cervix. I. Impact of prolongation of overall treatment time and timing of brachytherapy on outcome of radiation therapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1995; 32(5):1275-88.
Perez CA, Grigsby PW. “Irradiation in the management of carcinoma of the endometrium: A review.” Endocurietherapy/Hyperthermia Oncology. 1995; 11(2):67-95.
Zhou R, Sause WT, Hammond EH, Rubin P, Perez C, Pilepich MV, Asbell SD, Parker DL. “Correlation of survival with quantitative tissue staining of prostate specific acid phosphatase in patients with prostate carcinoma by using microscopic image analysis: A preliminary report of correlative studies on RTOG protocols 75-06, 77-06, and 83-07.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1995; 33(4):823-9.
Purdy JA, Perez CA. “Quality assurance in radiation oncology in the United States.” Rays – International Journal of Radiological Sciences. 1996; 21(4):505-40.
Perez CA, Michalski J, Brown KC, Lockett MA. “Nonrandomized evaluation of pelvic lymph node irradiation in localized carcinoma of the prostate.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1996; 36(3):573-84.
Perez CA, Taylor ME, Halverson K, Garcia D, Kuske RR, Lockett MA. Brachytherapy or electron beam boost in conservation therapy of carcinoma of the breast: A nonrandomized comparison.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1996; 34(5):995-1007.
Emami B, Scott C, Perez CA, Asbell S, Swift P, Grigsby P, Montesano A, Rubin P, Curran W, Delrowe J, Arastu H, Fu K, Moros E. “Phase III study of interstitial thermoradiotherapy compared with interstitial radiotherapy alone in the treatment of recurrent or persistent human tumors: A prospectively controlled randomized study by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1996; 34(5):1097-104.
Grigsby PW, Graham MV, Perez CA, Galakatos AE, Camel HM, Kao M-S. “Prospective Phase I/II studies of definitive irradiation and chemotherapy for advanced gynecologic malignancies.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1996; 19(1):1-6.
Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Castro-Vita H, Lockett MA. “Carcinoma of the uterine cervix. II. Lack of impact of prolongation of overall treatment time on morbidity of radiation therapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1996; 34(1):3-11.
Chao CKS, Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Mutch DG, Herzog T, Camel HM. “Medically inoperable Stage I endometrial carcinoma: A few dilemmas in radiotherapeutic management.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1996; 34(1):27-31.
Perez CA, Michalski J, Ballard S, Drzymala R, Kobeissi BJ, Lockett MA, Wasserman TH. “Cost benefit of emerging technology in localized carcinoma of the prostate.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1997; 39(4):875-83.
Pugliano FA, Piccirillo JF, Zequeira MR, Emami B, Perez CA, Simpson JR, Fredrickson JM. “Clinical-severity staging system for oropharyngeal cancer: Five-year survival rates.” Archives of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. 1997; 123(10):1118-24.
Petrovich Z, Baert L, Bagshaw MA, Brady LW, Elgamal A, Goethuys H, Heilman HP, Kirkels WJ, Lieskovsky G, Perez CA, Van Poppel H, Williams RD. “Adenocarcinoma of the prostate: Innovations in management.” American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 1997; 20(2):111-9.
Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Chao CKS. “Chemotherapy and irradiation in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix: A review.” Seminars in Radiation Oncology. 1997; 7(3 Suppl. 2):45-65.
Perez CA, Patel MM, Chao KSC, Simpson JR, Sessions D, Spector GJ, Haughey B, Lockett MA. “Carcinoma of the tonsillar fossa: Prognostic factors and long-term therapy outcome.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1998; 42(5):1077-84.
Kao M-S, Perez CA. “Radiation therapy in Stage IIB carcinoma of the uterine cervix.” CME Journal of Gynecologic Oncology. 1998; 3(2):278-85.
Perez CA, Purdy JA. “Treatment planning in radiation oncology and impact on outcome of therapy.” Rays – International Journal of Radiological Sciences. 1998; 23(3):385-426.
Perez CA, Bustorff-Silva JM, Villasenor E, Fonkalsrud EW, Atkinson JB. “Surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus in very low birth weight infants: Is it safe?” American Surgeon. 1998; 64(10):1007-9.
Low DA, Chao KSC, Mutic S, Gerber RL, Perez CA, Purdy JA. “Quality assurance of serial tomotherapy for head and neck patient treatments.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1998; 42(3):681-92.
Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Chao KSC, Galakatos A, Garipagaoglu M, Mutch D, Lockett MA. “Irradiation in carcinoma of the vulva: Factors affecting outcome.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1998; 42(2):335-44.
Tinger A, Michalski JM, Cheng A, Low DA, Zhu R, Bosch WR, Purdy JA, Perez CA. “A critical evaluation of the planning target volume for 3-D conformal radiotherapy of prostate cancer.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1998; 42(1):213-21.
Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Chao KSC, Mutch DG, Lockett MA. “Tumor size, irradiation dose, and long-term outcome of carcinoma of uterine cervix.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1998; 41(2):307-17.
Matthay KK, Perez C, Seeger RC, Brodeur GM, Shimada H, Atkinson JB, Black CT, Gerbing R, Haase GM, Stram DO, Swift P, Lukens JN. “Successful treatment of Stage III neuroblastoma based on prospective biologic staging: A Children’s Cancer Group study.” Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1998; 16(4):1256-64.
Chao KSC, Leung W-M, Grigsby PW, Mutch DG, Herzog T, Perez CA. “The clinical implications of hydronephrosis and the level of ureteral obstruction in Stage IIIB cervical cancer.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1998; 40(5):1095-100.
Asbell SO, Martz KL, Shin KH, Sause WT, Doggett RL, Perez CA, Pilepich MV. “Impact of surgical staging in evaluating the radiotherapeutic outcome in RTOG 77-06, a Phase III study for T1BN0M0 (A2) and T2N0M0 (B) prostate carcinoma.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1998; 40(4):769-82.
Kobeissi BJ, Gupta M, Perez CA, Dopuch N, Michalski JM, Van Antwerp G, Gerber R, Wasserman TH. “Physician resource utilization in radiation oncology: A model based on management of carcinoma of the prostate.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1998; 40(3):593-603.
Chao KSC, Williamson JF, Grigsby PW, Perez CA. “Uterosacral space involvement in locally advanced carcinoma of the uterine cervix.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1998; 40(2):397-403.
Lee HK, Antell AG, Perez CA, Straube WL, Ramachandran G, Myerson RJ, Emami B, Molmenti EP, Buckner A, Lockett MA. “Superficial hyperthermia and irradiation for recurrent breast carcinoma of the chest wall: Prognostic factors in 196 tumors.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1998; 40(2):365-75.
Spector JG, Sessions DG, Chao KSC, Haughey BH, Hanson JM, Simpson JR, Perez CA. “Stage I (T1 NO MO) squamous cell carcinoma of the laryngeal glottis: Therapeutic results and voice preservation.” Head and Neck. 1999; 21(8):707-17.
Weiss IK, Perez C, Bui KC, Atkinson J. “An experimental model of continuous blood gas monitoring and intratracheal ventilation.” Critical Care Medicine. 1999; 27(1 Suppl.):A136.
Perez CA. “The cost-benefit of 3D conformal radiation therapy compared with conventional techniques for patients with clinically localized prostate cancer.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1999; 45(5):1103-4.
Bustorff-Silva J, Perez CA, Atkinson JB, Raybould HE. “Effects of intraabdominally insufflated carbon dioxide and elevated intraabdominal pressure on postoperative gastrointestinal transit: An experimental study in mice.” Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 1999; 34(10):1482-5.
Perez CA, Bui KC, Bustorff-Silva J, Atkinson JB. “Comparison of intratracheal pulmonary ventilation with hybrid intratracheal pulmonary ventilation in a rabbit model of acute respiratory distress syndrome by saline lavage.” ASAIO Journal. 1999; 45(5):496-501.
Graham MV, Purdy JA, Emami B, Harms W, Bosch W, Lockett MA, Perez CA. “Clinical dose-volume histogram analysis for pneumonitis after 3D treatment for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1999; 45(2):323-9.
Bustorff-Silva J, Perez CA, Fonkalsrud EW, Hoh C, Raybould HE. “Gastric emptying after fundoplication is dependent on changes in gastric volume and compliance.” Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 1999; 34(8):1232-5.
Myerson RJ, Straube WL, Moros EG, Emami BN, Lee HK, Perez CA, Taylor ME. “Simultaneous superficial hyperthermia and external radiotherapy: Report of thermal dosimetry and tolerance to treatment.” International Journal of Hyperthermia. 1999; 15(4):251-66.
Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Lockett MA, Chao KSC, Williamson J. “Radiation therapy morbidity in carcinoma of the uterine cervix: Dosimetric and clinical correlation.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1999; 44(4):855-66.
Shipley WU, Thames HD, Sandler HM, Hanks GE, Zietman AL, Perez CA, Kuban DA, Hancock SL, Smith CD. “Radiation therapy for clinically localized prostate cancer: A multi-institutional pooled analysis.” Journal of the American Medical Association. 1999; 281(17):1598-1604.
DuBois SG, Kalika Y, Lukens JN, Brodeur GM, Seeger RC, Atkinson JB, Haase GM, Black CT, Perez C, Shimada H, Gerbing R, Stram DO, Matthay KK. “Metastatic sites in Stage IV and IVS neuroblastoma correlate with age, tumor biology, and survival.” Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 1999; 21(3):181-9.
Ratanatharathorn V, Powers WE, Moss WT, Perez CA. “Bone metastasis: Review and critical analysis of random allocation trials of local field treatment.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1999; 44(1):1-18.
Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Garipagaoglu M, Mutch DG, Lockett MA. “Factors affecting long-term outcome of irradiation in carcinoma of the vagina.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1999; 44(1):37-45.
Fonkalsrud EW, Bustorff-Silva J, Perez CA, Quintero R, Martin L, Atkinson JB. “Antireflux surgery in children under 3 months of age.” Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 1999; 34(4):527-31.
Spector JG, Sessions DG, Chao KSC, Hanson JM, Simpson JR, Perez CA. “Management of Stage II (T2N0M0) glottic carcinoma by radiotherapy and conservation surgery.” Head and Neck. 1999; 21(2):116-23.
Bustorff-Silva J, Fonkalsrud EW, Perez CA, Quintero R, Martin L, Villasenor E, Atkinson JB. “Gastric emptying procedures decrease the risk of postoperative recurrent reflux in children with delayed gastric emptying.” Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 1999; 34(1):79-83.
Pugliano FA, Piccirillo JF, Zequeira MR, Fredrickson JM, Perez CA, Simpson JR. “Clinical-severity staging system for oral cavity cancer: Five-year survival rates.” Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. 1999; 120(1):38-45.
Pugliano FA, Piccirillo JF, Zequeira MR, Fredrickson JM, Perez CA, Simpson JR. “Symptoms as an index of biologic behavior in head and neck cancer.” Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. 1999; 120(3):380-6.
Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Chao KSC, Elbendary A, Herzog TJ, Rader JS, Mutch DG. “Lack of effect of tumor size on the prognosis of carcinoma of the uterine cervix stage IB and IIA treated with preoperative irradiation and surgery.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 1999; 45(3):645-51.
Grigsby PW, Hall-Daniels L, Baker S, Perez CA. “Comparison of clinical outcome in black and white women treated with radiotherapy for cervical carcinoma.” Gynecologic Oncology. 2000; 79(3):357-61.
Perez CA, Taylor ME, Aft R, Doherty GM, Levy J, Young G. “Ductal carcinoma in situ: Management of breast relapses after initial treatment.” Seminars in Breast Disease. 2000; 3(4):239-47.
Clifford Chao KS, Grigsby PW, Mutch D, Perez CA. “Prognostic factors for distant metastasis in carcinoma of the cervix with endometrial extension.” Journal of Brachytherapy International. 2000; 16(3):181-6.
Wu JSY, Bezjak A, Ratanatharathorn V, Powers WE, Moss WT, Perez C. “Bone metastases: Ongoing controversies in fractionation schedules [2] (multiple letters).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2000; 48(3):908-9.
Perez CA. “Methodology of research and practice for the third millennium: Evidence-based medicine.” Rays – International Journal of Radiological Sciences. 2000; 25(3):285-308.
Bustorff-Silva J, Fonkalsrud EW, Perez CA, Hoh C, Raybould HE, Atkinson JB. “Pyloroplasty improves long-term gastric emptying in rats undergoing fund oplication.” Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2000; 35(7):1087-90.
Perez CA. “New trends in prostatic cancer research. Hormone therapy in localized carcinoma of the prostate.” Rays – International Journal of Radiological Sciences. 2000; 25(3):345-51.
Perez CA, Michalski JM, Purdy JA, Lockett MA. “New trends in prostatic cancer research. Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3-D CRT), brachytherapy, and new therapeutic modalities.” Rays – International Journal of Radiological Sciences. 2000; 25(3):331-43.
Lee WR, Pollack A, Perez CA, Beyer DC, Blasko JC, Forman JD, Hussey DH, Paryani SB, Potters L, Roach 3rd. M, Scardino P, Schellhammer P, Leibel S. “Node-positive prostate cancer. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria.” Radiology. 2000; 215 Suppl:1413-8.
Potters L, Perez CA, Beyer DC, Blasko JC, Forman JD, Hussey DH, Lee WR, Paryani SB, Pollack A, Roach 3rd. M, Scardino P, Schellhammer P, Leibel S. “Permanent source brachytherapy for prostate cancer. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria.” Radiology. 2000; 215 Suppl:1383-400.
Perez CA, Michalski JM, Purdy JA, Wasserman TH, Williams K, Lockett MA. “Three-dimensional conformal therapy or standard irradiation in localized carcinoma of prostate: Preliminary results of a nonrandomized comparison.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2000; 47(3):629-37.
Pollack A, Paryani SB, Hussey D, Perez CA, Beyer DC, Blasko JC, Forman JD, Lee WR, Potters L, Roach 3rd. M, Scardino P, Schellhammer P, Leibel S. “Locally advanced (high-risk) prostate cancer. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria.” Radiology. 2000; 215 Suppl:1401-12.
Perez CA, Beyer DC, Blasko JC, Forman JD, Hussey DH, Lee WR, Paryani SB, Pollack A, Potters L, Roach 3rd. M, Scardino P, Schellhammer P, Leibel S. “Definitive external beam irradiation in stage T1 and T2 carcinoma of the prostate. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria.” Radiology. 2000; 215 Suppl:1449-72.
Roach 3rd. M, Blasko JC, Perez CA, Beyer DC, Forman JD, Hussey DH, Lee WR, Paryani SB, Pollack A, Potters L, Scardino P, Schellhammer P, Leibel S. “Treatment planning for clinically localized prostate cancer. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria.” Radiology. 2000; 215 Suppl:1441-8.
Perez CA, Beyer DC, Blasko JC, Forman JD, Hussey DH, Lee WR, Paryani SB, Pollack A, Potters L, Roach 3rd. M, Scardino P, Schellhammer P, Leibel S. “Postradical prostatectomy irradiation in carcinoma of the prostate. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria.” Radiology. 2000; 215 Suppl:1419-39.
Forman JD, Lee WR, Roach 3rd. M, Perez CA, Beyer DC, Blasko JC, Hussey DH, Paryani SB, Pollack A, Potters L, Scardino P, Schellhammer P, Leibel S. “Staging evaluation for patients with adenocarcinoma of the prostate. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria.” Radiology. 2000; 215 Suppl:1373-82.
Schmidt ML, Lukens JN, Seeger RC, Brodeur GM, Shimada H, Gerbing RB, Stram DO, Perez C, Haase GM, Matthay KK. “Biologic factors determine prognosis in infants with Stage IV neuroblastoma: A prospective Children’s Cancer Group study.” Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2000; 18(6):1260-8.
Nickerson HJ, Matthay KK, Seeger RC, Brodeur GM, Shimada H, Perez C, Atkinson JB, Selch M, Gerbing RB, Stram DO, Lukens J. “Favorable biology and outcome of Stage IV-S neuroblastoma with supportive care or minimal therapy: A Children’s Cancer Group study.” Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2000; 18(3):477-86.
Michalski JM, Purdy JA, Winter K, Roach III M, Vijayakumar S, Sandler HM, Markoe AM, Ritter MA, Russell KJ, Sailer S, Harms WB, Perez CA, Wilder RB, Hanks GE, Cox JD. “Preliminary report of toxicity following 3D radiation therapy for prostate cancer on 3DOG/RTOG 9406.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2000; 46(2):391-402.
Perez CA, Matthay KK, Atkinson JB, Seeger RC, Shimada H, Haase GM, Stram DO, Gerbing RB, Lukens JN. “Biologic variables in the outcome of Stages I and II neuroblastoma treated with surgery as primary therapy: A Children’s Cancer Group study.” Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2000; 18(1):18-26.
Chao KSC, Low DA, Perez CA, Purdy JA. “Intensity-modulated radiation therapy in head and neck cancers: The Mallinckrodt Experience.” International Journal of Cancer. 2000; 90(2):92-103.
Perez CA, Bui KC, Bustorff-Silva J, Atkinson JB. “Comparison of intratracheal pulmonary ventilation and hybrid intratracheal pulmonary ventilation with conventional mechanical ventilation in a rabbit model of acute respiratory distress syndrome by saline lavage.” Critical Care Medicine. 2000; 28(3):774-81.
Bentzen SM, Hoskin P, Roos D, Nielsen OS, Ratanatharathorn V, Powers WE, Moss WT, Perez CA. “Fractionated radiotherapy for metastatic bone pain: Evidence-based medicine or…? [1] (multiple letters).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2000; 46(3):681-3.
Chow E, Danjoux C, Connolly R, Andersson L, Finkelstein J, Szumacher E, Wong R, Ratanatharathorn V, Powers WE, Moss WT, Perez C. “Bone metastasis: Review and critical analysis of random allocation trial of local field treatment: Regarding Ratanatharathorn et al. IJROB 44(1):1-18; 1999 [3] (multiple letters).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2000; 46(2):517-8.
Sessions DG, Spector GJ, Lenox J, Parriott S, Haughey B, Chao C, Marks J, Perez C. “Analysis of treatment results for floor-of-mouth cancer.” Laryngoscope. 2000; 110(10 I):1764-72.
Chao KSC, Majhail N, Huang C-J, Simpson JR, Perez CA, Haughey B, Spector G. “Intensity-modulated radiation therapy reduces late salivary toxicity without compromising tumor control in patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma: A comparison with conventional techniques.” Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2001; 61(3):275-80.
Rodriguez RR, Nag S, Mate TP, Martinez A, Shasha D, Edmundson G, Orton C, Tripuraneni P, Linares LL, Kelly D, Gustafson G, Devlin P, Altieri G, Gribble M, Perez C, Rao J, Syed AMN. “High dose rate brachytherapy for prostate cancer: Assessment of current clinical practice and the recommendations of the American Brachytherapy Society.” Journal of Brachytherapy International. 2001; 17(4):265-82.
Locke J, Karimpour S, Young G, Lockett MA, Perez CA. “Radiotherapy for epithelial skin cancer.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2001; 51(3):748-55.
Perez CA, Michalski JM, Lockett MA. “Chemical disease-free survival in localized carcinoma of prostate treated with external beam irradiation: Comparison of American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Consensus or 1 ng/mL as endpoint.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2001; 49(5):1287-96.
Chao KSC, Deasy JO, Markman J, Haynie J, Perez CA, Purdy JA, Low DA. “A prospective study of salivary function sparing in patients with head-and-neck cancers receiving intensity-modulated or three-dimensional radiation therapy: Initial results.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2001; 49(4):907-16.
Chao KSC, Bosch WR, Mutic S, Lewis JS, Dehdashti F, Mintun MA, Dempsey JF, Perez CA, Purdy JA, Welch MJ. “A novel approach to overcome hypoxic tumor resistance: Cu-ATSM-guided intensity-modulated radiation therapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2001; 49(4):1171-82.
Grigsby PW, Perez CA, Chao KSC, Herzog T, Mutch DG, Rader J. “Radiation therapy for carcinoma of the cervix with biopsy-proven positive para-aortic lymph nodes.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2001; 49(3):733-8.
Grigsby PW, Williamson JF, Clifford Chao KS, Perez CA. “Cervical tumor control evaluated with ICRU 38 reference volumes and integrated reference air kerma.” Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2001; 58(1):19-23.
Gershon Spector J, Sessions DG, Haughey BH, Clifford Chao KS, Simpson J, El Mofty S, Perez CA. “Delayed regional metastases, distant metastases, and second primary malignancies in squamous cell carcinomas of the larynx and hypopharynx.” Laryngoscope. 2001; 111(6):1079-87.
Perez CA, Lockett MA, Young G. “Radiation therapy for keloids and plantar warts.” Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology. 2001; 35:135-46.
Perez CA. “Radiation therapy for heterotopic bone prevention and other joint conditions.” Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology. 2001; 35:120-34.
Ryu JK, Winter K, Michalski JM, Purdy JA, Markoe AM, Earle JD, Perez CA, Roach III M, Sandler HM, Pollack A, Cox JD. “Interim report of toxicity from 3D conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) for prostate cancer on 3DOG/RTOG 9406, level III (79.2 gy).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2002; 54(4):1036-46.
Kong FM, Klein EE, Bradley JD, Mansur DB, Taylor ME, Perez CA, Myerson RJ, Harms WB. “The impact of central lung distance, maximal heart distance, and radiation technique on the volumetric dose of the lung and heart for intact breast radiation.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2002; 54(3):963-71.
Perez CA, Ravindranath MH, Soh D, Gonzales A, Ye W, Morton DL. “Serum anti-ganglioside IgM antibodies in soft tissue sarcoma: Clinical prognostic implications.” Cancer Journal. 2002; 8(5):384-94.
Coleman CN, Lichter A, Hoppe RT, Kun LE, Daly NR, Marcus Jr. RB, Cox JD, Fu KK, Gunderson LL, Phillips TL, Sause WT, Wasserman TH, Ajani J, Al-Sarraf M, Wood W, Dewhirst MW, Elman AJ, Emami B, Botnick L, Chaney EL, Enke CA, Palta J, Perez CA, Ten Haken RK, Vijayakumar S, Zelefsky MJ, Chen GTY, Janjan NA, Brereton HD, Davis LW, Dosoretz D, Foens CS, Halberg FE, Hanks GE, Lawrence T, Mautner B, Mohiuddin M, Tao ML, Mendenhall NP, Kun LE, Halperin EC, Kelly MD, Nath R, Peterson IA, Chan RC, Shrieve DC, Tripuraneni P, Wilson JF, Elman AJ. “Report of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Working Group on the scope of radiation oncology (SCOPE).” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2002; 54(2):317-26.
Perez CA, Michalski JM, Mansur D, Lockett MA. “Three-dimensional conformal therapy versus standard radiation therapy in localized carcinoma of prostate: An update.” Clinical Prostate Cancer. 2002; 1(2):97-104.
Ravindranath MH, Wood TF, Soh D, Gonzales A, Muthugounder S, Perez C, Morton DL, Bilchik AJ. “Cryosurgical ablation of liver tumors in colon cancer patients increases the serum total ganglioside level and then selectively augments antiganglioside IgM.” Cryobiology. 2002; 45(1):10-21.
Perez CA, Bradley J, Chao CK, Grigsby PW, Mutic S, Malyapa R. “Functional imaging in treatment planning in radiation therapy: A review.” Rays. 2002; 27(3):157-73.
Devlin PM, Brus CR, Kazakin J, Mitchell RB, Demanes DJ, Edmundson G, Gribble M, Gustafson GS, Kelly DA, Linares LA, Martinez AA, Mate TP, Nag S, Perez CA, Rao JG, Rodriguez RR, Shasha D, Tripuraneni P. “An Internet-ready database for prospective randomized clinical trials of high-dose-rate brachytherapy for adenocarcinoma of the prostate.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2002; 53(1):104-15.
Michalski JM, Winter K, Purdy JA, Wilder R, Perez CA, Roach M, Parliament M, Pollack A, Markoe A, Harms WB, Sandler H, Cox JD. “Trade-off to low-grade toxicity with conformal radiation therapy for prostate cancer on Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 9406.” Seminars in Radiation Oncology. 2002; 12(1 Suppl. 1):75-80.
Perez CA, Ravindranath MH, Gupta RK, Tollenaar RAEM, Van De Velde CJ, Wood TF, Soh D, Morton DL, Bilchik AJ. “Serum total gangliosides and TA90-IC levels: Novel immunologic markers in colorectal cancer.” Cancer Journal. 2002; 8(1):55-61.
Bradley JD, Ieumwananonthachai N, Purdy JA, Wasserman TH, Lockett MA, Graham MV, Perez CA. “Gross tumor volume, critical prognostic factor in patients treated with three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy for non-small-cell lung carcinoma.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2002; 52(1):49-57.
Chodak GW, Keane T, Klotz L, Aprikian A, Bostwick D, Dicker A, Evans C, Korman H, Macaluso Jr. J, Morton Jr. R, Moyad M, Perez C, Sarosdy M, See W, Swanson D, Taplin M-E, Valicenti R. “Critical evaluation of hormonal therapy for carcinoma of the prostate.” Urology. 2002; 60(2):201-8.
Perez CA. “Conservation therapy in T1-T2 breast cancer: Past, current issues, and future challenges and opportunities.” Cancer Journal. 2003; 9(6):442-53.
Chow E, Wu J, Loblaw A, Perez CA. “Radiotherapeutic approaches to metastatic disease. World Journal of Urology.” 2003; 21(4):229-42.
Emami B, Mirkovic N, Scott C, Byhardt R, Graham MV, Andras EJ, John M, Herskovic A, Urtasun R, Asbell SO, Perez CA, Cox J. “The impact of regional nodal radiotherapy (dose/volume) on regional progression and survival in unresectable non-small cell lung cancer: An analysis of RTOG data.” Lung Cancer. 2003; 41(2):207-14.
Perez CA, Michalski JM, Mansur D. “Uncertainties in radiation therapy: Target volume definition in prostate cancer.” Rays. 2003; 28(3):267-88.
Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Zoberi I. “Uncertainties in radiation therapy: Target definition in carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Rays. 2003; 28(3):247-65.
Bradley JD, Wahab S, Lockett MA, Perez CA, Purdy JA. “Elective nodal failures are uncommon in medically inoperable patients with Stage I non-small-cell lung carcinoma treated with limited radiotherapy fields.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2003; 56(2):342-7.
Michalski JM, Winter K, Purdy JA, Wilder RB, Perez CA, Roach M, Parliament MB, Pollack A, Markoe AM, Harms W, Sandler HM, Cox JD. “Preliminary evaluation of low-grade toxicity with conformal radiation therapy for prostate cancer on RTOG 9406 dose levels I and II.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2003; 56(1):192-8.
Valicenti RK, Gomella LG, Perez CA. “Radiation therapy after radical prostatectomy: A review of the issues and options.” Seminars in Radiation Oncology. 2003; 13(2):130-40.
Perez CA, Michalski JM, Baglan K, Andriole G, Cui Q, Lockett MA. “Radiation therapy for increasing prostate-specific antigen levels after radical prostatectomy. Clinical Prostate Cancer.” 2003; 1(4):235-41.
Perez CA. “Radiation therapy and chemotherapy in treatment of carcinoma of the breast. Oncologia.” 2003; 26(3):83-96.
Perez CA, Bradley J, Grigsby PW, Michalski JM, Mutic S, Malyapa R. “Functional imaging in treatment planning in radiation therapy: A review.” Oncologia. 2003; 26(3):29-42.
Mansur DB, El Naqa I, Kong F, Klein EE, Taylor ME, Zoberi I, Bradley JD, Perez CA. “Localization of internal mammary lymph nodes by CT simulation: Implications for breast radiation therapy planning.” Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2004; 73(3):355-7.
Perez CA, Michalski J, Mansur D, Lockett MA. “Impact of elapsed treatment time on outcome of external-beam radiation therapy for localized carcinoma of the prostate.” Cancer Journal. 2004; 10(6):349-56.
Perez CA. “Dose fractionation and biological optimization in carcinoma of the prostate.” Rays. 2004; 29(3):237-52.
Perez CA. “Dose fractionation and biological optimization in carcinoma of the uterine cervix.” Rays. 2004; 29(3):253-70.
Blanco AI, Chao KSC, Ozyigit G, Adli M, Thorstad WL, Simpson JR, Spector GJ, Haughey B, Perez CA. “Carcinoma of paranasal sinuses: Long-term outcomes with radiotherapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2004; 59(1):51-8.
Michalski JM, Winter K, Purdy JA, Perez CA, Ryu JK, Parliament MB, Valicenti RK, Roach III M, Sandler HM, Markoe AM, Cox JD. “Toxicity after three-dimensional radiotherapy for prostate cancer with RTOG 9406 dose level IV.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2004; 58(3):735-42.
Bradley JD, Perez CA, Dehdashti F, Siegel BA. “Implementing biologic target volumes in radiation treatment planning for non-small cell lung cancer.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine: official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 2004; 45 Suppl 1:96S-101S.
Mansur DB, Kong FM, El Naqa I, Taylor ME, Zoberi I, Bradley JD, Perez CA, Klein EE. “CT localization of axillary lymph nodes in relation to the humeral head: Significance of arm position for radiation therapy planning.” Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2005; 77(2):191-3.
Hechtman CD, Li Z, Mansur DB, Perez CA, Myerson RJ, Simpson JR, Anders JC, Wu C, Palucci CA. “Dose distribution outside of a sphere of P-32 chromic phosphorous colloid.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2005; 63(3):961-8.
Perez CA. “Tamoxifen and breast irradiation.” Breast Diseases. 2005; 16(3):225-6.
Michalski JM, Winter K, Purdy JA, Parliament M, Wong H, Perez CA, Roach M, Bosch W, Cox JD. “Toxicity after three-dimensional radiotherapy for prostate cancer on RTOG 9406 dose level V.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2005; 62(3):706-13.
Perez CA. “Biological, physical factors in clinical assessment of outcome of cancer therapy.” Rays – International Journal of Radiological Sciences. 2005; 30(2):85-98.
Perez CA, Michalski J, Mansur D. “Clinical assessment of outcome of prostate cancer (TCP, NTCP).” Rays – International Journal of Radiological Sciences. 2005; 30(2):109-20.
Perez CA. “The effect of radiotherapy on the use of immediate breast reconstruction.” Breast Diseases. 2005; 15(4):457-8.
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