Carl F. Cori
Selected Bibliography

Cori, Karl. “Zur physiologie and pharmakologie der reizerzeugung am herzen.” Pflügers Archiv für die Gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere. 184 (1920): 272-80.

Cori, Karl and Gerty Radnitz. “Über den gehalt des menschlichen blutserums an komplement und normalambozeptor für hammelblutkörperchen.” Zeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung und experimentelle Therapie. 29 (1920): 445.

Cori, Karl. “Untersuchungen über die ursachen der unterschiede in der herznervenerregbarkeit bei fröschen zu verischidenen jahreszeiten. Ein beitrag zur frage des peripheren antagonismus von vagus un sympathikus and zur beeinglussung der herznerven durch schilddrüsensubstanzen.” Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. 91 (1921): 130-5

Cori, Gerty and Karl Cori. “Behandlung Fiebernder Lungentuberkulosen mit menthol-eukalyptusöl-injektionen.” Therapeutische Halbmonatshefte. 35 (1921): 236-9.

Cori, Karl. “Über die wirkung intravenös verabreichter traubenzucker und gummi-arabicum-lösung auf die diurese.” Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. 34 (1921): 169-71.

Pucher, G.W. and C.F. Cori. “Metabolic disturbances in cats on a milk diet.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 54 (1922): 567-78.

Cori, K.F. and G.W. Pucher. “Biological reactions of x-rays: Effects of radiation on the nitrogen and salt metabolism.” American Journal of Roentgenology. 10 (1923): 738-45.

Cori, K.F. and G.W. Pucher. “Biological reactions of x-rays: effect of x-rays on the rates of specific hemolysis.” Journal of Immunology. 8 (1923): 201-9.

Cori, Karl F. and G.W. Pucher. “Biological reactions of x-rays: effect of x-rays on the rate of specific hemolysis.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 20 (1923): 64.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “A method for the study of liver metabolism.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 20 (1923): 409.

Pucher, G.W., K.F. Cori, and B.D. Bowen. “The fate of iletin in the animal body.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 20 (1923): 521.

Cori, C.F., G.W. Pucher, and G.T. Cori. “The free sugar in the liver and its significance for carbohydrate metabolism.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 20 (1923): 522.

Cori, C.F., G.W. Pucher, and G.T. Cori. “The determination of galactose in the presence of glucose.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 20 (1923): 523.

Cori, C.F., G.T. Cori, and H.L. Goltz. “Comparative study of the blood sugar-concentration in the liver vein, the femoral artery and the femoral vein during insulin action.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 21 (1923): 121-22.

Cori, Carl F., G.W. Pucher, and B.D. Bowen. “Comparative study of the blood sugar concentration in the arterial and venous blood of diabetic patients during insulin action.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 21 (1923): 122-3.

Cori, C.F., G.T. Cori, and G.W. Pucher. “The free sugar content of the liver and its relation to glycogensynthesis and to glycogenolysis.” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 21, no. 6 (1923): 377-389.

Cori, C.F., G.T. Cori, and H.L. Goltz. “Blood sugar concentration in liver vein, leg artery and leg vein during insulin action.” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 22, no. 5 (1923): 355-373.

Cori, C.F. “The influence of insulin on phlorhizin poisoning.” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 23 (1924): 99-106.

Cori, C.F. “The influence of insulin on the liver glycogen of animals poisoned with phlorhizin.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 21 (1924): 417-8.

Cori, C.F. “The influence of insulin on the liver glycogen and free sugar of starving animals.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 21 (1924): 419-20.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Comparative study of the sugar concentration in arterial and venous blood during insulin action.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 22 (1924): 72-73.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The influence of x-rays on chloride metabolism.” Journal of Cancer Research. 8, no. 4 (1924): 520-522.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Comparative study of the sugar concentration in arterial and venous blood during insulin action.” American Journal of Physiology. 71, no. 3 (1925): 688-707.

Cori, C.F. and H.L. Goltz. “The influence of insulin on the inorganic and organic phosphates of the liver.” American Journal of Physiology. 72 (1925): 256-9.

Cori, C.F. “The influence of insulin and epinephrine on the lactic acid content of blood and tissues.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 63 (1925): 253-68.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Insulin and tissue sugar.” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 24, no. 6 (1925): 465-478.

Cori, C.F. “Insulin and liver glycogen.” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 25 (1925): 1-33.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “On the carbohydrate metabolism of malignant tumors.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 22 (1925): 254-255.

Cori, C.F. “A method for the quantitative study of intestinal absorption.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 22 (1925): 495-7.

Cori, C.F. “The rate of absorption of hexoses and pentoses.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 22 (1925): 497-9.

Cori, C.F. and H.L. Goltz. “Rate of absorption of hexoses and pentoses from peritoneal cavity.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 23 (1925): 122-3.

Cori, C.F. and H.L. Goltz. “The permeability of liver and muscles for hexoses and pentoses.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 23 (1925): 124-7.

Cori, C.F. “The tolerance of rats for intravenously injected glucose.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 23 (1925): 127-30.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The carbohydrate metabolism of tumors. I. The free sugar, lactic acid, and glycogen content of malignant tumors.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 64, no. 1 (1925): 11-22.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The carbohydrate metabolism of tumors. II. Changes in the sugar, lactic acid, and C02-combining power of blood passing through a tumor.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 65, no. 2 (1925): 397-405.

Cori, C.F. “The fate of sugar in the animal body. I. The rate of absorption of hexoses and pentoses from the intestinal tract.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 66 (1925): 691-715.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “A quantitative analysis of the fate of sugar in the animal body.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 67 (1926): xlvii-xlviii.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The fate of sugar in the animal body. II. The relation between sugar oxidation and glycogen formation in normal and insulinized rats during the absorption of glucose.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 70, no. 2 (1926): 557-76.

Cori, C.F. “The fate of sugar in the animal body. III. The rate of glycogen formation in the liver of normal and insulinized rats during the absorption of glucose, fructose, and galactose.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 70 (1926): 577-85.

Cori, C.F. “The rate of glycogen formation in the liver during glucose absorption.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 23 (1926): 286-9.

Cori, C.F. “The rate of absorption of a mixture of glucose and galactose.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 23 (1926): 290-1.

Cori, C.F. “The rate of glycogen formation in the liver during absorption of fructose and galactose.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 23 (1926): 459-61.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “The influence of insulin on the tolerance for intravenously injected glucose and fructose.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 23 (1926): 461-63.

Cori, C.F. “A study of the Rous chicken sarcoma No. 1.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 24 (1926): 65-8.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “A seasonal occurrence of ketonuria in fasting rats accompanied by changes in carbohydrate metabolism.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 24 (1926): 123-24.

Cori, C.F. “The absorption of glycine and d,1-alanine.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 24 (1926): 125-6.

Cori, C.F. “The influence of ovariectomy on the spontaneous occurrence of mammary carcinomas in mice.” Journal of Experimental Medicine. 45 (1927): 983-91.

Cori, C.F. “Bemerkungen zu der arbeit von O. Ehrismann, betreffend den einfluss des insulins auf das leberglykogen.” Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. 125 (1927): 381-3.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The fate of sugar in the animal body. IV. The tolerance of normal and insulinized rats for intravenously injected glucose and fructose.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 72, no. 2 (1927): 597-614.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “The fate of sugar in the animal body. V. A seasonal occurrence of ketonuria in fasting rats accompanied by changes in carbohydrate metabolism.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 72, no. 2 (1927): 615-25.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “The fate of sugar in the animal body. VI. Sugar oxidation and glycogen formation in normal and insulinized rats during the absorption of fructose.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 73, no. 2 (1927): 555-65.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The fate of sugar in the animal body. VII. The carbohydrate metabolism of adrenalectomized rats and mice.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 74, no, 3 (1927): 473-94.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “On the carbohydrate metabolism of adrenalextomized rats.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 24 (1927): 539-41.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “New conception of the mechanism of epinephrine glycosuria.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 25 (1927): 66-68.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Die kohlehydratbilanz an der hungernden ratte nach insulin und adrenalininjecktionen.” Biochemische Zeitschrift. 206 (1928): 39-55.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The carbohydrate metabolism of tumors. III. The rate of glycolysis of tumor tissue in the living animal.” Journal of Cancer Research. 12 (1928): 301-13.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Influence of epinephrine on carbohydrate metabolism of fasting rats.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 25 (1928): 258-61.

Cori, C.F. “Ernst J. Lesser.” Science. 67 (1928): 523-4.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The fate of sugar in the animal body. VIII. The influence of insulin on the utilization of glucose, fructose, and dihydroxyacetone.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 76, no. 3 (1928): 755-95.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The mechanism of epinephrine action. I. The influence of epinephrine on the carbohydrate metabolism of fasting rats, with a note on new formation of carbohydrates.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 79, no. 1 (1928): 309-19.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The mechanism of epinephrine action. III. The influence of epinephrine on the utilization of absorbed glucose.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 79, no. 1 (1928): 343-55.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The mechanism of epinephrine action. II. The influence of epinephrine and insulin on the carbohydrate metabolism of rats in the postabsorptive state.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 79, no. 2 (1928): 321-341

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Relation between absorption and utilization of galactose.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 25 (1928): 402-6.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The rate of excretion of galactose.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 25 (1928): 406-8.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Influence of epinephrine on blood sugar utilization of functionally hepatectomized rats.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 26 (1929): 345-47.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Fate of glucose and other sugars in the eviscerated animal.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 26 (1929): 432.

Cori, C.F. “The rate of absorption of epinephrine from the subcutaneous tissue.” Science. 70, no. 1815 (1929): 355-6.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Glycogen formation in the liver from d- and l-lactic acid.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 81, no. 2 (1929): 389-403.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The mechanism of epinephrine action. IV. The influence of epinephrine on lactic acid production and blood sugar utilization.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 84, no. 2 (1929): 683-98.

Cori, C. F. and Cori, G. T. “The effect of epinephrine on arterial and venous blood sugar in men.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 84, no. 2 (1929): 699-701.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The influence of insulin and epinephrine on the glycogen formation in the liver.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 85, no. 1 (1929): 275-80.

Cori, C.F., G.T. Cori, and H.L. Goltz. “On the mechanism of glucose absorption from the intestinal tract.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 26 (1929): 433-6.

Cori, C.F., G.T. Cori, and K.W. Buchwald. “The mechanism of epinephrine action. VI. Changes in blood sugar, lactic acid, and blood pressure during continuous intravenous injection of epinephrine.” American Journal of Physiology. 93 (1930): 273-83.

Cori, C.F. and K.W. Buchwald. “Effect of continuous intravenous injection of epinephrine on the carbohydrate metabolism, basal metabolism and vascular system of normal men.” American Journal of Physiology. 95 (1930): 71-8.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Absorption of epinephrine from the subcutaneous tissue of the rat.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 27 (1930): 558-60.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The influence of constant intravenous injection of epinephrine on blood sugar of rats.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 27 (1930): 560-1.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Accumulation of a precursor of lactic acid in muscle after epinephrine injections.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 27 (1930): 934-6.

Cori, C.F. and K.W. Buchwald. “Effect of epinephrine on the oxygen consumption of frogs before and after hepatectomy.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 28 (1930): 104-6.

Cori, G.T., C.F. Cori, and K.W. Buchwald. “The mechanism of epinephrine action. V. Changes in liver glucogen and blood lactic acid after injection of epinephrine and insulin.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 86, no. 1 (1930): 375-88.

Cori, C.F., E.L. Villiaume, and G.T. Cori. “Studies on intestinal absorption. II. The absorption of ethyl alcohol.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 87, no. 1 (1930): 19-25.

Buchwald, K.W. and C.F. Cori. “The action of epinephrine and-insulin in frogs under anaerobic conditions.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 92 (1931): 355-66.

Cori, C.F. and K.W. Buchwald. “The calorigenic action of epinephrine in frogs before and after hepatectomy.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 92 (1931): 367-75.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “A method for the determination of hexosemonophosphate in muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 94, no. 2 (1931): 561-79.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The influence of epinephrine and insulin injections on hexosemonophosphate content of muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 94 (1931): 581-91.

Cori, C.F. “Mammalian carbohydrate metabolism.” Physiological Review. 11 (1931): 143-275.

Buchwald, K.W. and C.F. Cori. “Influence of repeated contractions of muscle on its lipid content.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 28 (1931): 737-40.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Plasma phosphates during changes in carbohydrate metabolism in normal and adrenalectomized rats.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 97 (1932): lxxxv-lxxxvi.

Schmitt, F.O. and C.F. Cori. “Lactic acid formation in medullated nerve.” American Journal of Physiology. 106 (1933): 339-49.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Carbohydrate metabolism.” Annual Review of Biochemistry. 2 (1933): 129-46.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Plasmaphosphate and milchsäure in normalen adrenalektomierten tieren während änderungen im kohlehydratstoffwechsel.” Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. 172 (1933): 249-60.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “Changes in hexosephosphate, glycogen, and lactic acid during contraction and recovery of mammalian muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 99, no. 2 (1933): 493-505.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “A comparison of total carbohydrate and glycogen content of mammalian muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 100 (1933): 323-32.

Cori, G.T., J.O. Closs, and C.F. Cori. “Fermentable sugar in heart and skeletal muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 103 (1933): 13-24.

Buchwald, K.W., C.F. Cori, and R.E. Fisher. “The influence of l- and d-lactate on oxygen consumption of rabbits.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 103 (1933): 763-76.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Carbohydrate metabolism.” Annual Review of Biochemistry. 3 (1934): 151-74.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “Changes in hexosemonophosphate in frog muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 105 (1934): xvii-xviii.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “The disappearance of hexosemonophosphate from muscle under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 107 (1934): 5-14.

Cori, C.F., R.E. Fisher, and G.T. Cori. “The effect of epinephrine on arterial and venous plasma sugar and blood flow in dogs and cats.” American Journal of Physiology. 114 (1935): 53-68.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Carbohydrate metabolism.” Annual Review of Biochemistry. 4 (1935): 183-98.

Hegnauer, A.H., R.E. Fisher, G.T. Cori, and C.F. Cori. “Fate of hexosemonophosphate during aerobic recovery of frog muscle.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 32 (1935): 1075-7.

Cori, C.F. and W.M. Shine. “The formation of carbohydrate from glycerophosphate in the liver of the rat.” Science. 82 (1935): 134-5.

Steiner, A. and C.F. Cori. “The preparation and determination of trehalose in yeast.” Science. 82 (1935): 422-3.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Carbohydrate metabolism.” In: A textbook of biochemistry, edited by B. Harrow and C.P. Sherwin, 536-77. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1935.

Fisher, R.E., J.A. Russell, and C.F. Cori. “Glycogen disappearance and carbohydrate oxidation in hypophysectomized rats.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 115 (1936): 627-34.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “The formation of hexosephosphate esters in frog muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 116 (1936): 119-28.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “An unusual case of esterification in muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 116 (1936): 129-32.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “The formation of hexosephosphate esters in frog muscles.” Sechenov physiological journal of the USSR. 21 (1936): 54.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Mechanism of formation of hexosemonophosphate in muscle and isolation of a new phosphate ester.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 34 (1936): 702-5.

Pencharz, R.I., C.F. Cori, and J.A. Russell. “Relation of anterior and posterior lobe of hypophysis to insulin sensitivity in rat.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 35 (1936): 32-5.

Cori, C.F., G.T. Cori, and A.H. Hegnauer. “Resynthesis of muscle glycogen from hexosemonophosphate.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 120 (1937): 193-202.

Cori, C.F., S.P. Colowick, and G.T. Cori. “The isolation and synthesis of glucose-l-phosphoric acid.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 121 (1937): 465-77.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “Analysis of the acid-soluble phosphates of muscle following the injection of glucose plus insulin.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 36 (1937): 23-7.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “Formation of glucose-l-phosphoric acid in muscle extract.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 36 (1937): 119-22.

Meyer, H.S., L.J. Wade, and C.F. Cori. “Influence of extracts of anterior lobe of pituitary on glucose oxidation and glycogen storage.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 36 (1937): 346-8.

Cori, G.T., S.P. Colowick, and C.F. Cori. “The formation of glucose-1-phosphoric acid in extracts of mammalian tissues and of yeast.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 123 (1938): 375-80.

Cori, G.T., S.P. Colowick, and C.F. Cori. “The action of nucleotides in the disruptive phosphorylation of glycogen.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 123 (1938): 381-89.

Cori, G.T., S.P. Colowick, and C.F. Cori. “The enzymatic conversion of glucose-l-phosphoric ester to 6-ester in tissue extracts.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 124 (1938): 543-55.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “Enzymatic breakdown of glycogen in liver extracts.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 39 (1938): 337-8.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “The formation of hexosephosphate esters in frog muscles.” (Proceedings of the 15th International Physiological Congress, Leningrad-Moscow, 1935). In: Sechenov physiological journal of the USSR. 21, no. 5/6 (1938): 54.

Cori, C.F. “Enzymatic breakdown and synthesis of carbohydrate.” Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 7 (1939): 260-8.

Cori, G.T., S.P. Colowick, and C.F. Cori. “The activity of the phosphorylating enzyme in muscle extract.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 127 (1939): 771-82.

Cori, G.T., C.F. Cori, and G. Schmidt. “The role of glucose-l-phosphate in the formation of blood sugar and synthesis of glycogen in the liver.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 129 (1939): 629-39.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “The activating effect of glycogen on the enzymatic synthesis of glycogen from glucose-l-phosphate.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 131 (1939): 397-8.

Colowick, S.P. and C.F. Cori. “Aminoethyl phosphoric ester in the small intestine of rabbits and pigs.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 40 (1939): 586-8.

Cori, C.F., G. Schmidt, and G.T. Cori. “The synthesis of a polysaccharide from glucose-l-phosphate in muscle extract.” Science. 89 (1939): 464-5.

Cori, C.F. “Symposium on carbohydrate metabolism; Glycogen break-down and synthesis in animal tissues.” Endocrinology 26 (1940): 285-96.

Colowick, S.P., M.S. Welch. and C.F. Cori. “Phosphorylation of glucose in kidney extract.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 133 (1940): 359-73.

Colowick, S.P., M.S. Welch, and C.F. Cori. “Glucose oxidation and phosphorylation.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 133 (1940): 641-2.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “The kinetics of the enzymatic synthesis of glycogen from glucose-1-phosphate.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 135 (1940): 733-56.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Carbohydrate metabolism.” Annual Review of Biochemistry. 10 (1941): 151-80.

Cori, C.F. “Phosphorylation of glycogen and glucose.” Biological Symposia. 5 (1941): 131.

Cori, C.F. and A.D. Welch. “Adrenal Medulla.” Journal of the American Medical Association. 116 (1941): 2590-6.

Colowick, S.P., H.M. Kalckar, and C.F. Cori. “Glucose phosphorylation and oxidation in cell-free tissue extracts.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 137 (1941): 343-56.

Bear, R.S. and C.F. Cori. “X-ray diffraction studies of synthetic polysaccharides.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 140 (1941): 111-8.

Sutherland, E.W., S.P. Colowick, and C.F. Cori. “The enzymatic conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to glycogen.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 140 (1941): 309-10.

Cori, C.F. Review of “Advances in Enzymology VI” by F. F. Nord and C. H. Werkman. Science. 94 (1941): 67-8.

Green, A.A., G.T. Cori, and C.F. Cori. “Crystalline muscle phosphorylase.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 142 (1942): 447-8.

Cori, C.F. “The enzymatic reactions in alcohol fermentation.” Proceedings. Annual meeting – American Society of Brewing Chemists. (1942).

Cori, C.F. “Phosphorylation of carbohydrates.” In: A Symposium on Respiratory Enzymes, 175-89. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1942.

Cori, C.F., G.T. Cori, and A.A. Green. “Crystalline muscle phosphorylase. III. Kinetics.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 151 (1943): 39-55.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “Crystalline muscle phosphorylase. IV. Formation of glycogen.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 151 (1943): 57-63.

Cori, C.F. Review of “Advances in Enzymology, Vol. V” edited by F.F. Nord and C.H. Werkman. Archives of Biochemistry. 7 (1945): 497-8.

167. Cori, C.F. “Introduction – Symposium on the Formation of Disaccharides, Polysaccharides and Nucleosides.” Federation Proceedings. 4 (1945): 226.

Cori, G.T., M.A. Swanson, and C.F. Cori. “The mechanism of formation of starch and glycogen.” Federation Proceedings. 4 (1945): 234-41.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “The enzymatic conversion of phosphorylase a to b.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 158 (1945): 321-32.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “The activity and crystallization of phosphorylase b.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 158 (1945): 341-46.

Cori, G.T., M.W. Slein, and C.F. Cori. “Isolation and crystallization of d-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from rabbit muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 159 (1945): 565-6.

Price, W.H., C.F. Cori, and S.P. Colowick. “The effect of anterior pituitary extract and of insulin on the hexokinase reaction.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 160 (1945):633-4.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Carbohydrate metabolism.” Annual Review of Biochemistry. 15 (1946):193-218.

Cori, C.F. “Enzymatic reactions in carbohydrate metabolism.” Harvey Lectures. 41 (1945/46): 253-72.

Price, W.H. and C.F. Cori. “The separation of adenosinetriphosphatase from myosin and its activation by creatine.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 162 (1946): 393-4.

Cori, C.F. “The adenosinetriphosphatase activity in the presence of creatine.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 165 (1946): 395-6.

Berger, L., M.W. Slein, S.P. Colowick, and C.F. Cori. “Isolation of pure hexokinase from yeast.” Journal of General Physiology. 29 (1946): 141-2.

Berger, L., M.W. Slein, S.P. Colowick, and C.F. Cori. “Isolation of hexokinase from baker’s yeast.” Journal of General Physiology. 29 (1946): 379-91.

Sutherland, E.W. and C.F. Cori. “Influence of insulin on glycogen synthesis and breakdown in liver slices.” Federation Proceedings. 6 (1947): 297.

Krahl, M.E. and C.F. Cori. “The uptake of glucose by the isolated diaphragm of normal, diabetic, and adrenalectomized rats.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 170 (1947): 607-18.

Sutherland, E.W. and C.F. Cori. “Influence of insulin preparations on glycogenolysis in liver slices.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 172 (1948): 737-50.

Swanson, M.A. and C.F. Cori. “Studies on the structure of polysaccharides. I. Acid hydrolysis-of starch-like polysaccharides.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 172 (1948): 797-804.

Swanson, M.A. and C.F. Cori. “Studies on the structure of polysaccharides. III. Relation of structure to activation of phosphorylase.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 172 (1948): 815-24.

Cori, G.T., M.W. Slein, and C.F. Cori. “Crystalline d-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from rabbit muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 173 (1948): 605-18.

Taylor, J.F., S.F. Velick, G.T. Cori, C.F. Cori, and M.W. Slein. “The prosthetic group of crystalline d-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 173 (1948): 619-26.

Cori, C.F. and G.T. Cori. “Polysaccharide phosphorylase.” In: Les Prix Nobel en 1947, 216-235. Stockholm: Imprimerie Royal, 1949.

Sutherland, E.W., T. Posternak, and C.F. Cori. “Activation of phosphoglucomutase.” Federation Proceedings. 8 (1949): 258.

Sutherland, E.W., T.Z. Posternak, and C.F. Cori. “The mechanism of action of phosphoglucomutase.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 179 (1949): 501-2.

Sutherland, E.W., C.F. Cori, R. Haynes, and N.S. Olsen. “Purification of the hyperglycemic-glycogenolytic factor from insulin and from gastric mucosa.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 180 (1949): 825-37.

Sutherland, E.W., M. Cohn, T. Posternak, and C.F. Cori. “The mechanism of the phosphoglucomutase reaction.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 180 (1949): 1285-95.

Sutherland, E.W., T. Posternak, and C.F. Cori. “Mechanism of the phosphoglyceric mutase reaction.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 181, no. 1 (1949): 153-9.

Cori, C.F., S.F. Velick, and G.T. Cori. “The combination of diphosphopyridine nucleotide with glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 4, no. 1-3 (1950): 160-9.

Slein, M.W., G.T. Cori, and C.F. Cori. “A comparative study of hexokinase from yeast and animal tissues.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 186, no. 2 (1950): 763-80.

Cori, G.T., S. Ochoa, M.W. Slein, and C.F. Cori. “The metabolism of fructose in liver. Isolation of fructose-l-phosphate and inorganic pyrophosphate.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 7, no. 2 (1951): 304-17.

Sutherland, E.W. and C.F. Cori. “Effect of hyperglycemic-glycogenolytic factor and epinephrine on liver phosphorylase.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 188, no. 2 (1951): 531-43.

Larner, J., B. Illingworth, G.T. Cori, and C.F. Cori. “Structure of glycogens and amylopectins. II. Analysis by stepwise enzymatic degradation.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 199, no. 2 (1952): 641-51.

Cori, G.T. and C.F. Cori. “Glucose-6-phosphatase of the liver in glycogen storage disease.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 199, no. 2 (1952): 661-7.

Madsen, N.B. and C.F. Cori. “The interaction of phosphorylase with protamine.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 15, no. 4 (1954): 516-25.

Madsen, N.B. and C.F. Cori. “The inhibition of muscle phosphorylase by p-chloromercuribenzoate.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 18, no. 1 (1955): 156-7.

Madsen, N.B. and C.F. Cori. “The binding of adenylic acid by muscle phosphorylase.” Federation Proceedings. 14 (1955): 248-9.

Cowgill, R.W. and C.F. Cori. “The conversion of inactive phosphorylase to phosphorylase b and phosphorylase a in lobster muscle extract.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 216, no. 1 (1955): 133-40.

Helmreich, E. and C.F. Cori. “Some problems of permeability of tissue cells to sugar.” Ciba Foundation colloquia on endocrinology. 9 (1956): 227.

Illingworth, B., G.T. Cori, and C.F. Cori. “Amylo-l,6-glucosidase in muscle tissue in generalized glycogen storage disease.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 218, no. 1 (1956): 123-9.

Madsen, N.B. and C.F. Cori. “The interaction of muscle phosphorylase with g-chloromercuribenzoate. I. Inhibition of activity and effect on the molecular weight.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 223, no. 2 (1956): 1055-65.

Cori, C.F. “Problems of cellular biochemistry.” In: Currents in Biochemical Research, 1956, edited by D.E. Green, 198-214. New York: Interscience Publishers, 1956.

Cori, C.F. “Regulation of enzyme activity in muscle during work.” In: Enzymes: Units of Biological Structure and Function, edited by O.H. Gaebler, 573-83. New York: Academic Press, 1956.

Baranowski, T., B. Illingworth, D.H. Brown, and C.F. Cori. “The isolation of pyridoxal-5-phosphate from crystalline muscle phosphorylase.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 25, no. 1 (1957): 16-21.

Crane, R.K., R.A. Field, and C.F. Cori. “Studies of tissue permeability. I. The penetration of sugars into the ehrlich ascites tumor cells.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 224, no. 2 (1957): 649-62.

Helmreich, E. and C.F. Cori. “Studies of tissue permeability. II. The distribution of pentoses between plasma and muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 224, no. 2 (1957): 663-79.

Kipnis, D.M. and C.F. Cori. “Studies of tissue permeability. III. The effect of insulin on pentose uptake by the diaphragm.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 224, no. 2 (1957): 681-93.

Madsen, N.B. and C.F. Cori. “The binding of adenylic acid by muscle phosphorylase.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 224, no. 2 (1957): 899-908.

Cori, C.F. and B. Illingworth. “The prosthetic group of phosphorylase.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 43, no. 7 (1957): 547-52.

Madsen, N.B. and C.F. Cori. “The binding of glycogen and phosphorylase.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 233, no. 6 (1958): 1251-6.

Illingworth, B., H.S. Jansz, D.H. Brown, and C.F. Cori. “Observations on the function of pyridoxal-5-phosphate in phosphorylase.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 44, no. 12 (1958): 1180-91.

Hauk, R., B. Illingworth, D.H. Brown, and C.F. Cori. “Enzymes of glycogen synthesis in glycogen-deposition disease.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 33, no. 2 (1959): 554-6.

Kipnis, D.M., E. Helmreich, and C.F. Cori. “Studies of tissue permeability. IV. The distribution of glucose between plasma and muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 234, no. 1 (1959): 165-70.

Kipnis, D.M. and C.F. Cori. “Studies of tissue permeability. V. The penetration and phosphorylation of 2-deoxyglucose in the rat diaphragm.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 234 (1959): 171-7.

Cori, C.F. “Enzymes and carbohydrate metabolism.” Moderne Probleme Der Pädiatrie. 4 (1959): 9.

Kipnis, D.M. and C.F. Cori. “Studies of tissue permeability. VI. The penetration and phosphorylation of 2-deoxyglucose in the diaphragm of diabetic rats.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 235 (1960): 3070-5.

Narahara, H.T., P. Ozand, and C.F. Cori. “Studies of tissue permeability. VII. The effect of insulin on glucose penetration and phosphorylation in frog muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 235 (1960): 3370-8.

Illingworth, B., D.H. Brown, and C.F. Cori. “The de novo synthesis of polysaccharide by phosphorylase.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 47 (1961): 469-78.

Brown, D.H., B. Illingworth, and C.F. Cori. “The mechanism of the de novo synthesis of polysaccharide by phosphorylase.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 47 (1961): 479-85.

Cori, C.F. “Control mechanisms in the utilization of glucose.” Proceedings of the Robert A. Welch Foundation Conferences on Chemical Research. 5 (1961): 247.

Brown, D.H. and C.F. Cori. “Animal and plant polysaccharide phosphorylases.” In: The Enzymes, Volume 5, edited by P.D. Boyer, H.A. Lardy and K. Myrback, 207-228. New York: Academic Press, 1961.

Cori, C.F. Review of “Metabolic Pathways in Micro Organisms.” Journal of the American Chemical Society. 84 (1962): 1518.

Ozand, P., H.T. Narahara, and C.F. Cori. “Studies of tissue permeability. VIII. The effect of anaerobiosis on glucose uptake in frog sartorius muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 237 (1962): 3037-43.

Danforth, W.H., E. Helmreich, and C.F. Cori. “The effect of contraction and of epinephrine on the phosphorylase activity of frog sartorius muscle.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 48 (1962): 1191-99.

Brown, D.H., B. Illingworth, and C.F. Cori. “Enzymatic debranching of glycogen: A new pathway in rabbit muscle for the enzymatic debranching of glycogen.” Nature. 197 (1963): 979-80.

Brown, D.H., B. Illingworth, and C.F. Cori. “Combined action of oligo-1, 4--1,4-glucantransferase and amylo-1,6-glucosidase in debranching glycogen.” Nature. 197 (1963): 980-2.

Field, R.A. and C.F. Cori. “The relationship between glucose load and utilization in normal and diabetic rats.” In: Perspectives in Biology, edited by C.F. Cori, V.G. Foglia, L.F..Leloir, and S. Ochoa, 162-73. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1963.

Illingworth, B., D.H. Brown, and C.F. Cori. “The influence of phosphorylase on the structure of glycogen.” In: Ciba Foundation Symposium on Control of Glycogen Metabolism, edited by W.J. Whelan and M.P. Cameron, 107-22. London: Churchill, 1964.

Helmreich, E., S. Karpatkin, and C.F. Cori. “Regulation of glycolysis in skeletal muscle.” In: Ciba Foundation Symposium on Control of Glycogen Metabolism, edited by W.J. Whelan and M.P. Cameron, 211-32. London: Churchill, 1964.

Karpatkin, S., E. Helmreich, and C.F. Cori. “Regulation of glycolysis in muscle. II. Effect of stimulation and epinephrine in isolated frog sartorius muscle.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 239 (1964): 3139-45.

Helmreich, E. and C.F. Cori. “The role of adenylic acid in the activation of phosphorylase.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 51 (1964): 131-8.

Helmreich, E. and C.F. Cori. “The effects of pH and temperature on the kinetics of the phosphorylase reaction.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 52 (1964): 647-54.

Illingworth, B. and C.F. Cori. “Glucose-6-phosphatase and pyrophosphatase activities of homogenates of livers from patients with glycogen storage disease.” Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 19 (1965): 10-14.

Helmreich, E. and C.F. Cori. “Regulation of glycolysis in muscle.” Advances in Enzyme Regulation. 3 (1965): 91-107.

Cori, C.F. “Chairman’s introduction.” In: Control of Energy Metabolism, edited by B. Chance, R.W. Estabrook, and J.R. Williamson, 283. New York: Academic Press, 1965.

Helmreich, E., W.H. Danforth, S. Karpatkin, and C.F. Cori. “The response of the glycolytic system of anaerobic frog sartorius muscle to electrical stimulation.” In: Control of Energy Metabolism, edited by B. Chance, R.W. Estabrook, and J.R. Williamson, 299-312. New York: Academic Press, 1965.

Brown, D.H., B. Illingworth, and C.F. Cori. “Effect of changes in the outer structure of glycogen on the debranching activity of the transferase-glucosidase system.” Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 116, no. 1 (1966): 479-86.

Karpatkin, S., E. Helmreich, and C.F. Cori. “Regulation of glycolysis in muscle. IV. Effects of anaerobiosis, insulin, and electrical stimulation on the penetration and phosphorylation of 2-deoxyglucose in isolated frog sartorius muscle.” In: Current Aspects of Biochemical Energetics, edited by N.O. Kaplan and E.P. Kennedy, 127-43. New York: Academic Press, 1966.

Cori, C.F. “A profile of phosphorylase.” In: Molecular Basis of Some Aspects of Mental Activity, edited by I. O. Walaas, 275-89. New York: Academic Press, 1966.

Helmreich, E. and C.F. Cori. “The activation of glycolysis in frog sartorius muscle by epinephrine.” Pharmacological Reviews. 18, no. 1 (1966): 189-96.

Helmreich, E., M.C. Michaelides, and C.F. Cori. “Effects of substrates and a substrate analog on the binding of 5′-adenylic acid to muscle phosphorylase a.” Biochemistry. 6, no. 12 (1967): 3695-710.

Narahara, H.T. and C.F. Cori. “Hormonal control of carbohydrate metabolism in muscle.” In: Carbohydrate Metabolism and Its Disorders, edited by E. Dickens, P.J. Randle and W.J. Whelan, 375-95. New York: Academic Press, 1968.

Erickson, R.P., S. Gluecksohn-Waelsch, and C.F. Cori. “Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency caused by radiation-induced alleles at the albino locus in the mouse.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 59, no. 2 (1968): 437-44.

Lipkin D., C.F. Cori, and M. Sano. “O6,5′-cyclonucleosides. Reactions of 5-iodopyrimidine nucleosides with base.” Tetrahedron Letters. 9, no. 57 (1968): 5993-6.

Cori, C.F. “The call of science.” Annual Review of Biochemistry. 38 (1969): 1-20.

Russell, J.D., C.F. Cori, and S. Gluecksohn-Waelsch. “Further studies on the x-ray induced genetic loss of glucose-6-phosphatase in liver and kidney of mice.” FEBS Symposium. 19 (1969): 315.

Cori, C.F. “The influence of 5′-adenylic acid on the catalytic properties of muscle phosphorylase.” In: The Role of Nucleotides for the Function and Conformation of Enzymes. Proceedings of the Alfred Benzon Symposium I, Copenhagen 9-11 September 1968 held at the premises of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, edited by H.M. Kalckar et al., 66-90. New York: Academic Press, 1969.

Cori, C.F. “Enzymatically interconvertible regulatory enzymes: Introductory remarks.” In: Metabolic Regulation and Enzyme Action, edited by A. Sols and S. Grisolia, 115-9. London: Academic Press, 1970.

Gluecksohn-Waelsch, S. and C.F. Cori. “Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency: Mechanisms of genetic control and biochemistry.” Biochemical Genetics. 4, no. 1 (1970): 195-201.

Cori, C.F. “The molecular properties of phosphorylase.” In: Perspectives in Biological Chemistry, edited by R.E. Olsen, 181-199. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1970.

Cori, C.F. “Some thoughts on the relation between science and the humanities.” In: Proceedings of the First International Humanistic Symposium at Delphi I, 304. Athens: Hellenic Society for Humanistic Studies, 1970-1.

Cori, C.F. “Chairman’s remarks.” In: Horizons of Bioenergetics: Proceedings, edited by A. San Pietro and H. Gest, 81. New York: Academic Press, 1972.

Garland, R.C. and C.F. Cori. “Separation of phospholipids from glucose-6-phosphatase by gel chromatography. Specificity of phospholipid reactivation.” Biochemistry. 11, no. 25 (1972): 4712-8.

Cori, C.F. “Some salient features of the enzymatic synthesis of the glycosidic bond.” In: Biochemistry of the Glycosidic Linkage, edited by R.Piras and H.G. Pontis, 765-78. (PAABS Symposium, Volume 2). New York: Academic Press, 1972.

Cori, C.F. “Metabolic interconversion of enzymes: Introductory remarks.” In: Second International Symposium on Metabolic Interconversion of Enzymes, edited by O. Wieland, E. Helmreich and H. Holzer, 3. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1972.

Cori, C.F. “Storage Polyglucosides. Introductory Remarks.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 210 (1973): 7-10.

Thorndike, J., M.J. Trigg, R. Stockert, S. Gluecksohn-Waelsch, and C.F. Cori. “Multiple biochemical effects of a series of x-ray induced mutations at the albino locus in the mouse.” Biochemical Genetics. 9, no. 1 (1973): 25-39.

Cori, C.F., R.C. Garland, and H.W. Chang. “Purification of particulate glucose-6-phosphatase.” Biochemistry. 12, no. 16 (1973): 3126-30.

Cori, C.F. “Control enzimatico del metabolismo del glucogeno.” Tribuna Medica-Revision: Enzimologia. III (1973): 3.

Gluecksohn-Waelsch, S., M.B. Schiffman, J. Thorndike, and C.F. Cori. “Complementation studies of lethal alleles in the mouse causing deficiencies of glucose-6-phosphatase, tyrosine aminotransferase, and serine dehydratase.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 71, no. 3 (1974): 825-9.

Garland, R.C., C.F. Cori, and H.W. Chang. “Relipidation of phospholipid-depleted microsomal, particles with high glucose 6-phosphatase activity.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 71, no. 10 (1974): 3805-9.

Cori, C.F. and R.C. Garland. “The purification and properties of microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase.” In: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology of Transport, edited by L. Bolis, 292-4. New York: Elsevier, 1974.

Cori, C.F. “Some highlights of the early period of bioenergetics.” Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 5, no. 1-2 (1974): 47-53.

Cori, C.F. “Commentary.” In: Science and Absolute Values: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, November 21-24, 1974, 235-238. London, United Kingdom, 1974.

Cori, C.F. “Introductory Remarks.” Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 6, no. 3 (1975): 167-169.

Gross, J. and C.F. Cori. “Francis O. Schmitt – A Profile.” In: The Neurosciences: Paths of Discovery, edited by F.G. Worden, J.P. Swazey and G. Adelman, xv-xviii. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1975.

Helmreich, E.J.M., H.P. Zenner, T. Pfeuffer, and C.F. Cori. “Signal transfer from hormone receptor to adenylate cyclase.” In: Current Topics in Cellular Regulation, vol. 10, edited by B.L. Horecker and E.R. Stadtman, 41-87. New York: Academic Press, 1976.

Garland, R.C., C.F. Cori, and H.W. Chang. “The interaction of sulfhydryl reagents with microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase.” In: Membranes and Disease, edited by L. Bolis, J.F. Hoffman and A. Leaf, 153-154. New York: Raven Press, 1976.

Garland, R.C., C.F. Cori, and H.W. Chang. “The effect of p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and congeners on microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase.” Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 12, no. 1 (1976): 23-31.

Cori, C.F. “50 Years ago. Warburg and the respiratory enzyme.” Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 1 (1976): 117.

Cori, C.F. “Gerty Theresa Cori, 1896-1957.” In: American Chemists and Chemical Engineers, edited by W.D. Miles, 94-95. Washington, D.C.: Amer. Chem. Soc. Press, 1976.

Garland, R.C., J. Satrustegui, S. Gleucksohn-Waelsch, and C.F. Cori. “Deficiency in plasma protein synthesis caused by x-ray-induced lethal albino alleles in mouse.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 73, no. 10 (1976): 3376-80.

Cori, C.F. “The role of lactic acid in the development of biochemistry.” In: Reflections on Biochemistry, edited by A. Kornberg et al, 17-26. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1976.

Cori, C.F. “Earl W. Sutherland, 1915-1974.” In: Biographical Memoirs, Vol. 49, 318-50. Washington, D.C.: The National Academy of Sciences (US), 1978.

Cori, C.F. “Symposium in honor of Mildred Cohn.” In: NMR and Biochemistry: a symposium honoring Mildred Cohn, edited by S.J. Opella and P. Lu, 3-5. New York: M. Dekker, Inc., 1979.

Gluecksohn-Waelsch, S., L.S. Teicher, L. Pick, and C.F. Cori. “Genetic rescue of lethal genotypes in the mouse.” Developmental Genetics. 1, no. 3 (1980): 219-228.

Cori, C.F., S. Gluecksohn-Waelsch, H.P. Klinger, L. Pick, S.L. Schlagman, L.S. Teicher, and H.-F.Wang-Chang. “Complementation of gene deletions by cell hybridization.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 78, no. 1 (1981): 479-483.

Cori, C.F. “The glucose-lactic acid cycle and gluconeogenesis.” Current Topics in Cellular Regulation. 18 (1981): 377-387.

Garland, R.C. and C.F. Cori. “Protein synthesis with membrane-bound polysomes and albumin messenger RNA from livers of mutant mice.” Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 36, no. 1 (1981): 29-35.

Cori C.F. “James B. Sumner and the chemical nature of enzymes.” Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 6 (1981): 194-196.

Cori C.F. “The brain of the hunter-gatherer.” In: Psychiatry and the Biology of the Human Brain, edited by S. Matthysse, pp 221-6. New York: Elsevier/North Holland, 1981.

Cori C.F., S. Gluecksohn-Waelsch, P.A. Shaw, and C. Robinson. “Correlation of a genetically caused enzyme defect by somatic cell hybridization.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 80, no. 21 I (1983): 6611-4.

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