Washington University Medical Center
Barrette Hearing Aid Models
In the 1950s, a nifty barrette did just the trick for concealing
hearing aids. Hearing aid barrettes were available in colors to match one's
hair and included instructions on styling to conceal the cord and earpiece.
Paravox Veri-Small, 1948
Directions for styling a hairdo also came with regular body hearing
aid models. This brochure from Paravox outlined the steps to concealing
a Paravox Veri-Small hearing aid within a hairstyle.
Hats and Scarves
As shown in these advertisements, hearing aid hats and scarves were available
in a variety of clever styles for the fashion-conscious woman. They were
often custom-designed with sewn-in cords and pockets for the batteries.
Wig Patent
This wig patent from 1934 represents one of the few designs for non-electrical
hearing devices of the 20th century and was used to disguise hearing trumpets.
But Not in Vain
They've solved the problem now, G.E.,
With an earpiece that you really can't see.
With an "Out of Sight" and a high hairdo,
I wear my hearing aid and my vanity too.
-Jessie Wendell, 1949